The good life


Coffee on Cara’s front porch (in Cincinnati) this morning Talking, laughing, planning. Had a FUN day shopping together yesterday. The engaged couple took me for Dewey’s pizza last night.  Today is the big bridal shower. Time to go get ready!



We showered a bride with gifts this weekend. As a three year old, the bride loved dressing as a bride and pretending to be a bride. Time flew by and now that little girl bride is a real, honest to goodness bride-to-be attending her bridal shower. Not just any kind of shower, but a classy, … Read More

Where I’ve been


In my musical thought life,  this song is streaming through my mind lately… IF you choose, press play on above video, count to 10 and press play on slide show below. I do realize I could have combined this in one show —but to use the song I want — this was the fastest (and … Read More

Room Re-do


On our recent trip to Cincinnati Wild One and I began a make-over on her spare bedroom/office.  You can roll your mouse over the below photo to see the quick change. If you are interested in the process and details — head over HERE.



THAT was another long day. In. the. car. Once again, DIY Guy is my hero.  He drove all but one hour of the 12 hour trip. I tried to drive, really I did.  It’s just that sometimes usually I am afflicted with a case of the sleepies once I get behind the wheel. We had an … Read More

On the road again…


DIY Guy and I spent all day yesterday on the road.  All day.  We pulled out of The Cottage driveway at 7:00 am (CST) and headed South and East.  At 9:15 pm EST we pulled up in front of Wild One’s apartment. We decided not to rush this trip, so we stopped at my mom’s … Read More

She went to bed early


Our firstborn hit the tarmac running on Wednesday morning.  Her plane was right on time —  and I was ready to lavish a long hug on her at 8:50 a.m. at the Rochester Airport. We grabbed her pretty polka dot luggage and headed for Starbucks downtown where we planned our day — at least our … Read More

Rochester bound!


Home is a place you grow up  wanting to leave,  and grow old wanting to get back to .   ~John Ed Pearce She’s coming home for a visit We spent a couple days with her a month ago and I visited her with her brother and sister in March but it’s not the same as being home. It’s … Read More

One weekend. Six states.


 Baby Girl and I took a trip this weekend to:  to visit our Wild One  We traveled with some VIPs in Cara’s life . . . her best friend of 18 years and her BF’s mom. and we also spent time with another VIP in her life  . . . It is pure joy spending … Read More