Come Back To Christmas


As promised, the auditorium decor . . . Merv and his team (Lisa) created an amazing work of art In creating a “Bethlehem scene” on either side of the stage in the church auditorium. This is FOAM board….as in insulation — pink foam boards A small drama stage Although the pictures are dark (sorry, I didn’t … Read More

Church decorating


Last night we decorated the church for Christmas…. But only the lobby – the auditorium is a different project, being done by a different team –and is amazing. I’ll post pictures of the auditorium later. It was so nice to have help from the DIY guys! I like the circles MUCH better than the stripes … Read More

Out of the closet


I’m amazed, ashamed and astounded at all the CRAP we have accumulated, acquired, and stored.  CRAP that we don’t need yet let it take up space in our home — cluttering our lives and space. Stuff we no longer use – (but someday might “need”) —that we just “put” somewhere.  Like the closet, the garage, … Read More

Church browsing . . .


No, I’m not church shopping….or looking for another church, or spying on other churches.  I just like to check out all the different and unique designs that churches are using when they build and create environments. I love the direction that many churches are headed — making their buildings a place for the community to … Read More

Sunday in Cincy


The three of us entered the Danbarry Theaters in West Cincinnati at around 10:45 this morning to attend CHURCH.  Upon entering the lobby I immediately started to “recognize” faces of people I’d never met.  Faces that I’d seen on Pastor Ryan’s blog.  A blog I read with great regularity – not because I know him, … Read More

What are you passionate about?


I love to putz around the house . . . decorating, moving furniture, moving it back again….that’s another story for another day though! Over the summer Crosswinds Church (where we attend) did a message on “using our passions to serve.  The “Planning Team” decided I had a passion that fit the message for the week.  We … Read More

Reason to Celebrate


Yesterday Crosswinds Church celebrated our 11th year with an open house at our new building! Just like any open house/party, there are always plenty of things to get done at the last minute . . . like landscaping and cleaning and rehearsing (if you are performing in the concert) (josh performing last February — latest … Read More


I’m exhausted. But in a good way. Tonight was our first official church service in our very own building. For the last 11 years (since we started our church plant) we have been meeting in a middle school – and it served us well. We had a pool for baptisms, a large parking lot, 45,000 … Read More


Part II – Reception If you aren’t hungry now…you will be! hors d’ourves table Amazing fruit bouquet Delicious Cheeses! Wedding cake. I didn’t get to taste it, but I heard it was very good! I love flowers. Busy night! After I got home from work at 5:20 pm I “made-up” dinner as I went along … Read More


Wedding – Part I As many of you know, our vacation “out west” started with our nephew’s plan to get married in Idaho (where his bride is from). We figured that as long as we were that far west, we may as well head to Yellowstone National Park. A trip with the family to the … Read More