Kitchen Reveal


It’s done! The final step of the kitchen remodel was completed yesterday when Kirk hung the open shelves. We started our remodel journey in January and it has been a long process — but it was so worth it! I am over the moon excited about how it all turned out.  Kirk kinda likes it … Read More

Father’s Day Fun(?)


Some serious, heavy duty, physical, labor took place at The Cottage this weekend. Friday was flooring delivery day and we had to get several sheets of particle board ripped up before delivery.  We opted to DIY the floor demo to save us a chunk of change.  With the linoleum backing paper covering the particle board … Read More

Phase I Complete


Baby Girl hosted a girls night at TheCottage Friday night.  Mr. D and I agreed to leave for a few hours so the girls could have TheCottage to themselves.  So…. Friday we woke up with a LOT of work to do! 1.  Queen bed had to be dismantled, moved and set back up. 2.  Two … Read More

Bride weekend!


All day Friday was spent getting TheCottage cleaned, baking, cooking, putting away paint cans and tools and putting 3 bedrooms back together. Mr. D finished up the flooring in the three upstairs bedrooms and helped me move the furniture back in so some very special ladies could use them for the night. Baby Girl hosted … Read More

Temporary Digs


With the flooring in bedroom #2 complete, we are moving on to bedroom #3.  The master bedroom. Which means we need to move the master bedroom into the room we first finished. Which means moving everything from bedroom #1 and bedroom #2 into bedroom #2. Here’s how the moving has gone down: Move furniture from Room … Read More

Another room


Mr. D knocked out another room this past week.   New flooring and a closet update. A fresh (new) coat of paint on the walls.  (SW Aura White on walls) Freshly painted trim.  (Behr trim paint -off-the-shelf in satin finish) It feels sooooo fresh and nice in here! Brighter and lighter.    We’ve been kickin’ around … Read More

Floor one done.


Back in this post we had just pulled up carpet  and Mr. D was ready to get busy installing the new flooring. Before he jumped in laying flooring, he had a little prep work to do. This oscillating tool is awesome for undercutting the trim. Nothing like having the right tool for the job! Mr. D … Read More

Cottage Reno Progress


February 20th. That’s the last time I posted about the renovations happening at The Cottage … and the ideas that were swimming around in my brain. Today I am happy to report that… 1.  Some decisions have been made! 2.  Actions have been taken! 3.  Rooms are being changed! Tonight Mr. D and I signed … Read More

Slowly moving forward


Mr. D and I are no strangers or newbies to home remodel/renovations.  We have given more than a few rooms new looks in 30+ years of marriage including a two-story addition on our first home that had a family room, two bathrooms and a master bedroom.  However, in all those makeovers, we’ve never done a … Read More

Meanwhile back at TheCottage…


The day after we returned home from Cincy, Mr. D and I have been doin’ work at TheCottage. While we were gone the awful popcorn ceiling was removed and a new knockdown ceiling put it its place. Such an improvement! We opted to save some change and paint the new ceiling ourselves.  It seemed like … Read More