Know how to fold ’em


I’m pretty sure I’ve shared with you how random daily activities  can make me think in song lyrics.  It’s happening again. . . . .  this time it’s Kenny Rogers stuck on repeat in my head  . . “… You got to know when how to hold ’em, know when how to fold ’em Know when to … Read More


Oh my, my, my . . .   . . . nothing like a little, (large) TV action to make a man happy! They haven’t stopped smiling since this 52 inch baby arrived! (which was AFTER Christmas) Comments heard since the arrival: “I just keep thinking what a great picture this is” “You can see the … Read More



Randomography – Photorandomy – Randomtography — or more simply put — pictures on my camera from the last week . . . Volunteer Pansies in the concrete crack Apples on our trees A sweet surprise from our neighbor today Skyway art, downtown Rochester sweet feet plethora of cherry tomatoes from garden Zinnia’s in the morning.

Another breakdown . . .


Back in June I lamented on all the things that were broken at our house. Here’s our list of broken stuff with our DIY Guy’s progress…. Pool: Leak  (Still leaking) Pool: interior light popped out (fixed) Pool: Solar cover roller broke   (fixed) Pool: Solar cover needed replacing  (fixed) Pool: Pump motor broke (fixed) Pool: Auto vacuum broke … Read More



If the situation wasn’t so frustrating, annoying and time consuming, we’d almost have to laugh I‘m pretty sure this is where most of the trouble started…back in April or May. I think it all started within a matter of minutes from when the above photo was taken. DIY Guy ran into a bit of a … Read More

Us Girls


Guys:  The following photos may help explain why us ladies take so much time in the dressing room . . . and why it’s always a good thing to have a sister or friend with us and to assure you that we aren’t always about shopping . . . Girls ~~ Someone will always be … Read More

Undiagnosed ADD


I have ADD.  I know.  I took an online test. It said you don’t have to have all the symptoms, just a couple. These are some of my symptoms: I have difficulty getting things in order when I have to do a task that requires organization. I have problems remembering appointments or obligations. I avoid … Read More

4:36 pm – SNOW


This is just wrong.  But it is very real. I’m trying to remember why I moved here.

Crappy day


Blech. I hate it when the nasty funk-monster takes up residence in my psyche. Never appearing all at once in a sudden attack – the funk-monster always creeps in inch by inch, thought by thought, barely noticed until all the sudden the tears are barely held back by the eyeball. That’s what’s happened over the … Read More

It started here


Long before the scrapbooking craze began, I was doing my own “scrapbooking” using a three-ring binder – and construction paper, notebook paper & pictures from magazines.   At 15 my heart had already been broken.  By 16 I was trying to gain some independence and be all “grown-up”.  Then Kirk and I started dating…..and falling in love. … Read More