Use what you’ve been given


The other day Pastor Ryan posted his “Friday Fifteen.” Good stuff there….as usual. One of his “fifteen” was “You’ve got to use what you’ve been given.” I keep going back to this incredible video. What an inspiration. Too often we only think about what we don’t have, instead of all that we have been given. … Read More



     I dropped my old razor in the shower the other day, which caused it’s demise….after shaving only one leg!  Finishing with just the top (blade) portion, without the handle was a challenge, but I managed, vowing to buy a new one on the way home from work.  (Since shaving everyday is something I’ve done since high … Read More


The good, the bad and the ugly . . .The good(s) from Salvation Army – seven amber tumblers for 30 cents each! Now I have a set of 8 to go with the one that my friend Gail sent me. More good(s) . . . a Mary Englebreit journal, a book lovers diary, and white … Read More


For Me???? A present came in the mail for me today! It’s from my dear (and long time) friend Gail who lives in upstate New York. She was visiting this fall and noticed that I’d started a collection of amber glassware. I love the amber glass, especially in the fall. And not just any amber … Read More


If Kirk and I were kids right now…this would be us. Today was a challenge. Tomorrow an even bigger challenge. It’s turning out to be much harder than I thought it would be to leave my job. Bottom line is, I love the people I work with and for. They are an amazing group. There … Read More


Day offto vacuum, dust, clean, unpack, grocery shop, clean a bathroom, do laundry, put away groceries, clean kitchen, browse the thrift store, and show up for a haircut appt. that isn’t until tomorrow! and…..make dinner This is Kirk’s favorite meal – Fiesta Tortilla Stack I really should make it more often since it is so … Read More