Bigger than ourselves


Last night a group of people gathered in a room at Crosswinds Church to fill 43 backpacks with food for children in Pine Island schools.   Food 4 Friends provides backpacks of supplemental food for children that are likely missing meals over the weekend. The backpacks we use were donated by Hom Furniture Community Relations. You can … Read More

Hope for Haiti


 Today two of our kiddos, Mr. D and I started our day with a walk/run. We walked and ran to raise funds for a group of people from Crosswinds Church (our church) who are heading to Haiti to help with relief after the devastating 2010 earthquake.  They (we) are partnering with the Paulos Group The Paulos … Read More



Typically I don’t watch daytime television.  In fact, I really don’t watch much television at all.  I do, however, watch Dr. Phil McGraw.  I think he has good advice, and speaks with wisdom: If you’ve gone into a marriage and you haven’t been clear  about how you’re going to handle money,  how you want to … Read More



I have never sent a family member off to war. Nor have I lost anyone close to me while they were serving our country. I know people who have said good-bye to loved ones that didn’t come home to hugs and kisses.  I have friends who have children serving right now.   And I am … Read More

My Prayer


Our church and many others in our community are reeling today after learning that a dear friend and sweet lady has unexpectedly died. Jean had surgery on Friday, and was getting up to take that first walk after surgery late yesterday afternoon when a blood clot raced to her heart and took her life. I … Read More

She wears them both


This is the right hand of our baby girl.  She’s wearing two rings that are  special and significant in her life. The ring on her middle finger is a Claddagh. It’s a traditional Irish Ring. Our kids are of Irish descent — on their father’s side. That’s where their stubbornness comes from. The Claddagh’s design … Read More


The Spirit of God dances…  He can’t be tamed. He won’t be contained.  He refuses to be confined to a weekend retreat, an evening meeting, or a moment of devotion.  He doesn’t follow schedules, programs, or agendas,  and He doesn’t wait for His name to be called.  The Spirit of God dances.  He dances right … Read More


Happy Easter He Is Risen Photo courtesy of Ryan Detzel @ This is Reverb


I saw this picture  on someone’s blog over a month ago.   I didn’t know what to “do” with it or what to think….so I copied it into my files.   It has haunted me ever since. Jean-Yves-Lemoigne-Photography I keep going back to it and looking. What do you think when you look at this photo? … Read More

Worth getting up for


Yesterday I told you I have undiagnosed ADD, and that one of the symptoms of ADD is forgetting appointments.  I forgot to mention that particular “forgetting” symptom also includes showing up at your 7:15 am appointment (that you awoke at 5:30 AM for) on the WRONG DAY!  My appointment is TOMORROW morning!  Sheesh. I was a … Read More