Some days there is blog fodder all around, some days not so much. Today was a banner day in blogdom!First, I had coffee with a friend and she complimented my husband as someone who is trustworthy, who has wisdom and is respected. (I hope I’m not putting words in your mouth friend!) Anyway, her words … Read More



The next (decorating) frontier…Our church building. It is my current decorating canvas – and to date my biggest challenge…but I love it! Today was choosing bathroom wall tiles/patterns and countertops for bathrooms/kitchen. Still no definite decisions…but I’m closing in! From the entrance looking down through the lobby. The people are standing in the auditorium. Standing … Read More


The vocalist is Josh Daniels. He plays base guitar, mandolin and guitar in Kirk’s band at church. Crosswinds church (where we go) is doing a series called: “U2, Finding meaning behind the music”. Josh sang this last Sunday, February 10th. If you close your eyes and listen, you’ll might think he is Bono.We are so … Read More


A frost cross…The son of a patient at St. Mary’s hospital was sitting in the waiting room struggling with the decision whether or not to discontinue life support on his mother, he started to pray. As he looked up from his prayer, he glanced out the window and this was what he saw. A nurse … Read More


Hoarfrost n: ice crystals forming a white deposit especially on objects outside. I learned today that this is called a hoarfrost, or “hoarry frost” from my very smart husband.An amazingly peaceful place in our yard This morning we worshipped at home. For some, that might be a regular occurence, but for us it never happens. … Read More


Tonight Kirk and I did a “first” for us….we rang the Salvation Army bell at Sam’s Club for two hours tonight. We really enjoyed it and we both agree we would do it again. Lots of people gave $$ which is cool. Salvation Army says that a bucket with volunteers makes $50 more per hour … Read More