Staycation Favorite


Day two of our staycation included a two hour tour on the Rochester Pedal Pub! Using a group deal, we got our tour for 1/2 price… then invited a bunch of friends to join us. We all chipped in a few bucks per person, several people brought some snacks, everyone tossed  some beverages in the … Read More

Birthday Party


My mom is the youngest of two children.  Two girls. No boys. The two girls had six girls between them. No boys. No nephews. No brothers. When we get together, it’s a high estrogen event. My three sisters + me + our two cousins and our moms. Aunt Sally turned 79 in May. Mom hosted … Read More

Christmas Eve 2012


Bright and early on Christmas Eve day three kiddos came to spend the day with us While their momma and daddy were at work We had fun playing trains, dolls, legos and sledding and four-wheelin’ Then they went home to get ready for church. We got ready for church too.  Then hit up the 4:30 … Read More

Ready? Or not?


Ready? Or not? Ready. I’m more “ready” than I’ve ever been. Baking done.  Gifts wrapped. I am not going to be sewing or crafting until the wee hours of the morning tonight.  Or even on Christmas Eve.  Our boy came home for a few days today. After dinner tonight, Nate made fudge. His grandma’s recipe. … Read More



“Five days a week, we teach your kids. That means we educate your kids. Play with your kids.  Discipline your kids.  Joke with your kids.  Console your kids.  Praise your kids.  Question your kids.  Beat our heads up against a wall about your kids.  Gush over your kids. Laugh with your kids.  Worry about your … Read More

Rocks I


One of our past times (Nate and Tim especially) while sitting on the beach on our vacation was to stack the stones that were near our seats. Nate was the most prolific stacker and Tim came in second Nate’s rock art was extensive and detailed this is my current screen saver… photos courtesy of Nate … Read More

The beach house


The beach house … not really on the beach.  The house we rented  was either a 2 minute drive, 5 minute bike ride, or 10 minute walk from door to shore.  It looked out over horse stables and corrals.  Not too shabby. Door one.  Which is probably, technically the “back door”. Those bags on the … Read More

5 Star Pizza !


We wrapped up the hometown tour early afternoon and headed to the home of our looooong time friends, Sue and Ed.  The not-so-newly-wed couple met us at Sue and Ed’s where we all enjoyed the …. …amazing homemadebetterthananyrestaurant pizza that Ed makes.  This pizza is so freakin’ delicious that the notsonewlyweds decided to pass on … Read More

Weekend Fun


 Whirlwind weekend trip to Chi town for a HS graduation open house for my niece, Mackenzie. Cincinnati kids met us there  and we made the most of less than 48 hours together   LOTS of pictures were taken though very few were taken by me. Only two photos snapped were by me in this post. The … Read More

We did work. Day Two.


Saturday/Crew One:  Nate, Bailey Mission:  More mulch by the truckload.  Spread mulch. A dozen truckloads of mulch = a pretty landscaped yard Saturday/Crew Two:  Da Guys (Kirk & Scott) Mission:  Stain pool deck, make final repairs. Saturday/Crew Three:  Cheri, Dee Dee Apply 2nd and 3rd coats of paint to cabinet frames, drawers, doors. By 6:00 … Read More