We did work


We arrived late Thursday night.   Our mission:  to get some work done at my sister and bro’s (in-love) home to give them a head start on graduation open house preparations. Night One:  Visited.  Relaxed. Snacked. Hit the sack.   With a 9:00 am work start, we needed our beauty rest. Friday/Crew One:  Nate, Mackenzie, … Read More

Photo booth II


As promised Meet my nieces, Jersti & Brigitta The 2nd most photo-boothed people at the wedding this one is just like her momma her sister, Brigitta is my “birthday buddy” Brigitta was born on my 40th birthday best birthday present eva She is turning 13 this month ugggh they are  a bright spot in our … Read More

Photobooth I


We had a photo booth at Cara & Tim’s wedding — last August. It was a hoot!  Loved by young and old-er alike.  The photo booth, built by our friend, John A. who is married to Deb A. (in photo below) over at Recipes for Life is incredible.  Not only does it have a green screen which … Read More



On December 26 a sweet little girl was born. Emerson McCall  was born at 9:05pm weighing in at 7.2 lbs and 21 inches Emerson’s proud parents are Drew and  Bri. Drew is Mr. D’s nephew. Which makes Mr. D a Great Uncle! Mr. D’s sister and brother-in-law are proud grandparents With 1000 miles between our … Read More

Black Friday


Because we like to be daring, we decided that going downtown Chi-town would be a great way to spend Black Friday with the family. We slept in a little then hopped on the 11:30 am Metra line from Crystal Lake to Ogilvie Station for a day long adventure. Our first stop in Chi-town was Five Bucks … Read More

Thanksgiving Day


A brief list from Thanksgiving Day … 1.  The newlyweds spent the weekend with us! 2.  I had lots of stolen moments with our Wild One. 3.  There were 33 people at dinner.  Others joined later in the evening.  4.  Just dance 3 was a popular activity – all day and evening.  5.  We have … Read More

Over the river


We’ve traveled over the (Mississippi) river, and through the (Wisconsin) woods to my sister’s house in the western suburbs of Chicago. It’s 12:04 am on Thanksgiving Day (and my sister’s 50th birthday!).  We packed in a full day on Wednesday with the drive here … a stop at an outlet mall… making stuffing, cranberry salad, … Read More

We’re a team


This is our Baby Girl. She’s a student teacher in a 5th Grade classroom. She has been working VERY hard and getting VERY LITTLE sleep. A typical day starts at …..oh, maybe 6:30 am. She gets home from teaching around 7:00 pm. She allows herself time to eat, and about an hour of “down time”. Then … Read More

Whitewater Wines


We have had a wonderful weekend at The Cottage … relaxing and taking in a local spot. My sister, her husband and their youngest daughter came to visit us this weekend.  Our goal was to incorporate plenty of “kickin’ back” this weekend, and I think we accomplished this. Saturday afternoon we drove to Plainview, MN … Read More

Another first day


Nate had his first day of school today on the other side of the desk. Congrats Nate! and Mr. D took me out to dinner tonight at Chester’s Kitchen and Bar.   It’s one of our favorite restaurants –  and we typically hit up this spot only on special occasions. Like today. We split an … Read More