in the yard


Yesterday was a beautiful day to be outside and in the garden. Noticing that the mice and other critters were starting to snack on the jack-be-little pumpkin/gourds in the garden, I made an executive decision to harvest them. Leaving the eight or so ones that were half-eaten, I got busy collecting the rest of the gourds. … Read More

Garden beauty


Canned some more tomato/basil spaghetti sauce today with some of the tomatoes and basil in our garden. While I was in the garden gathering some basil…  surrounded by the zinnias and dahlias I found myself surrounded by several hummingbirds too by the time I ran in the house for my camera, several had left but … Read More



Last week I put some apple branches in a pitcher on our mantel. They started to bloom over the weekend… and now the mantel is blooming with beautiful white flowers! and this picture is on my computer desktop … tomorrow, this one will be on my work computer desktop!  Feel free to download for your … Read More



Surprisingly, the flowers and foliage in Door County, WI  were still beautiful and going strong with no sign of frost or fading. I grew up just a few miles from Lake Michigan, so I realize it is “Lake Effect”.  In the fall, it is always warmer near the lake. The mix of fall decorations and … Read More

Cutting garden


Dahlia Yesterday I wrote about the flowers we used for the wedding and how we cut most of the flowers we used from the roadside near our home.  Today, it’s flowers from my cutting garden. My favorite bouquets have always been the ones cut from the roadside, or yard.  Mr. D has always been willing … Read More

Almost wordless Wednesday


Mr. D collects cacti. Sometimes they make me crazy. They multiply like rabbits. But for about 2 days once a year — they are BEauuuuutiful. Mr. D took the photos. He would also be happy to give you one of his cactus “babies”. I would too. šŸ™‚

Atta Boy


I walked into my kitchen this afternoon  and found our boy laying across the window seat with this and when I downloaded my pictures this evening I found this  and this and this and this AWEsome work Natey-boy!