

Yesterday Mr. D and I spent the day canning. As in preserving. As in up to our elbows in tomatoes and peaches. Tomatoes from our garden into tomato juice …  and homemade tomato basil pasta sauce (basil from our garden too) Colorado peaches became peach honey butter We wrapped up the day with pasta topped … Read More

The food that followed


… after my unexpected run and hot dog at dumb-thirty yesterday,  I took a nap. Then I headed out to The Cottage cement pond for some R & R. Friends joined. Food fare was light & easy. not pictured: chips and bean/corn salsa dark chocolate almonds Italian bread cherry tomatoes stuffed with mozzerella & basil

Birthday celebration


Mr. D celebrated another trip around the sun today.  Which means he is now as old as me.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I robbed the cradle. For his birthday meal, he requested:                                  1.  Homemade pizza         … Read More



Now that grilling season is in full force I feel compelled to tell you all about our favorite grill food at The Cottage. Spiedies! Spiedies, (pronounced “speedies”), are marinated cubes of meat cooked on a skewer. Originally from Italy, this delicacy seems to be found only in the Broome County area of New York State. … Read More

Must try this …


Mr. D and I did a little errand running and shopping last night.  It was dinner time when we headed out, so we planned to get some grub along our way.  Neither of us were feeling a big meal or the usual restaurants we hit up, so we decided to have a sandwich. Mr. D … Read More

Guest Chef


Recently Mr. D and I invited Chef Johnny to The Cottage to cook for us and some friends.   Let me tell ya, this girl sure could get used to this!  All I had to do was have a shelf in my refrigerator empty, do some housekeeping, and light some candles.  Johnny brought the food, and did … Read More

My Labor Day


Saturday was my self-proclaimed labor day. With a box of pears at the peak of ripeness in our garage,  and jalapeno peppers by the bucket full in the garden, it was time to get busy. I started the day with a batch of jalapeno pepper jam. Jalapeno pepper jam is a sweet/spicy mix that tastes … Read More

Pie Plant


It’s been such a late spring this year.  Everything is behind in blooming.  And growing.   Waaaaay behind. I’ve been patiently waiting for our “pie plants” to get some decent length on the stalks. The day finally arrived.  I picked pie plant today! You might call it Rhubarb. My earliest recollections of Rhubarb go back … Read More

On my right


It’s Friday night. I’m sitting on the sofa. To my right is the dog.  Gabby. To my left is Mr. D I need a life. Earlier tonight: I finished making cheesecake bars.  This was a test.  They failed.   Taste = Good. Work = Putzy.   I’m not a fan of dipping things in chocolate.  … Read More

When was the last time…..


When was the last time your EMPLOYER made dinner for you? When I showed up for “work” this morning my employer (Mrs. B) had a prepared pasta dish for me in her fridge — all ready to take home and heat up.  My employer fixed our dinner. Incredible. I love my job. Wishing you all … Read More