The Hike


Our “want to do” list for our Colorado visit was pretty short … hike in the mountains, see a mountain stream. And a mountain lake.  Check out some eateries, go to Boulder … and maybe downtown Denver.  We knocked out our list like it was our job for 5 days. First the hike. We started … Read More

Red Barn Farm


One of my favorite pizza spots is on a farm. So when we wrote up our list of things to do and places to go for our staycation, The Red Barn Farm was included.   The Cincinnati kids had never been to a farm for pizza, so going was a request on their staycation to … Read More

Staycation Favorite


Day two of our staycation included a two hour tour on the Rochester Pedal Pub! Using a group deal, we got our tour for 1/2 price… then invited a bunch of friends to join us. We all chipped in a few bucks per person, several people brought some snacks, everyone tossed  some beverages in the … Read More



Nothing like a long holiday weekend to kick back and relax.    After a long spring of working hard on TheCottage remodel, we had a little fun for a few days! Kirk had the week off and worked on several projects at TheCottage over the week — great vacation huh? Before the weekend even started, … Read More

A favorite dessert


It was love at first bite. Fried ice cream. softened ice cream.  crunchy shell.  whipped cream.  hot fudge. Seriously, what’s not to like love? My long time friend, Deb (and her hubby, John) invited Mr. D and I, along with 2 other couples  over for some light Mexican cuisine on Cinco de Mayo. Just a … Read More

Katie and Sam get married


Baby Girl’s college roomie got hitched! Our weekend in the Chicago area was a busy one  Aunt Sally’s birthday luncheon + Katie & Sam’s wedding + Mr. D’s birthday. Busy. But so much fun! Katie and Sam planned to get married outside however, just about the time everyone was seated outdoors, the rain started. Guests … Read More

Mile High City


Just when I think I’m getting back in my bloggin’ groove, I skip town! Late Monday afternoon I returned from my first ever trip to the “Mile High City” where I spent five days and four nights visiting good friends Mr. & Mrs. V who moved to Denver from Rochester last summer. Delta got me … Read More

Bride weekend!


All day Friday was spent getting TheCottage cleaned, baking, cooking, putting away paint cans and tools and putting 3 bedrooms back together. Mr. D finished up the flooring in the three upstairs bedrooms and helped me move the furniture back in so some very special ladies could use them for the night. Baby Girl hosted … Read More

Concert. Greenies. Shoes.


Baby Girl scored us tickets to a Phillip Phillips concert at WSU.   As a current student (Masters program) she gets the student price on tickets  $5 tickets.  Yes. Please. Us “oldies” figured we’d watch the concert from the bleachers. That lasted for about 5 minutes — before we were down on the floor with … Read More