Apartment life


The size of the place you live in isn’t as important as how you live in that space. Last weekend Mr. D and I were invited to dinner at Dave & Jo Lynn’s place.  Over the summer, Dave & Jo Lynn moved into the upstairs apartment of the rental home they own very near downtown … Read More

Day Trip


When my friend, Sue asked if I’d like to join her and Deb on a Rochester Community Education shopping trip to several unique spots in the Twin Cities I jumped at the opportunity.  Deb and I went along as Sue’s helpers, and received a free trip.  Over 70 ladies filled two coach buses at 7:30 on Friday … Read More

Pocket Man


Yesterday friends of ours sent me a YouTube link to a video of their kids.  Not your typical video of someone’s kiddos, this was a music video.  A very good music video.  Made in their very own home recording studio. We go waaaay back with this family.  Back to before their 4 kiddos were born. … Read More

Elegant Wedding


Mr. D and I attended a wedding in the Cities on Saturday. We also did a little decorating for this beautiful wedding.  Though the venue would have been amazing with nothing added, my friend Deb (mother of the bride) had great vision for enhancing the surroundings. I put together these tall cylinder vases with polished … Read More

Today in Door County


Another wonderful day in Door County with our friends Dave and Jo Lynn I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed so hard or relaxed so well The weekend is quickly coming to an end but the memories will be with us forever…. or until we can’t remember things so well šŸ™‚



With all the wedding planning and execution, we didn’t have much down time this summer.  So, when friends invited us back to their cabin on Battle Lake we welcomed the opportunity. Early Friday morning 4 adults and 4 canines loaded in a minivan and drove north.  Mr. D was very hesitant about taking Nike along. … Read More

we just click


As people grow up,  they realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones. There aren’t many people you just “click” with, and when you find those people, you don’t just let them go.

Someone to follow


A few weeks ago I introduced you to a long time friend of mine.  Today I’m introducing you to her blog.  My friend Deb is a new blogger who has just gone “live” with her blog.  She was a student in the blog class that Mark and I taught a few weeks ago, and has … Read More

NY to MN


Last week my long time friend, Deb, and I spent some time together.  We had a wonderful visit which included a conversation about how long we have known each other and the history that we have shared.   Mr. D met Deb’s hubby John at work.  The guys rode motorcycles together.  Before Mr. D got … Read More