

Hey! This is Cara (Wild One) and Brianna (Cara’s BFF) and we are here to invade Cheri’s blog and share our friendship story with you…. Here we go… B: So, Cara….you came to Rochester in what, 1991?  C: No, Brie, it was 1992. B: Ok, so we met in 1992 on Chesapeake Lane. My mom … Read More

I know the drummer!


Yeah, I know the drummer — I’m married to him after all….and I’m his biggest fan. Figuratively speaking. But there is another drummer I know — and am so proud of!  I haven’t seen Jeremy for many years — but there was a time (when we were both much younger) that I saw him a … Read More

A proposal


If you’ve been hanging out here for awhile you probably remember Colin.  He is a talented and fun kid who hangs out at The Cottage — when he is in town.  When he isn’t in town he may be in Michigan, or taking video footage at weddings all over the country, or attending school in La … Read More

Day 3: Beach town


Continuing the five states one weekend story …  It’s Day Three.  If you are just tuning in, you can catch up on Day One here and Day Two here. Sunday we explored the little beach town of New Buffalo.  I kept telling our friends Sue and Ed that I had no idea they lived within … Read More

Five States. One Weekend. Day TWO


Day Two of our five states, one weekend trip began with an 8:00 am wake-up, and 9:00 am out-the-door scramble to hit the Chicago traffic.  This is a Saturday morning! We are on our way to state #4  I’ve passed this site many times been there a few times Go White Sox! Finally arriving in … Read More



This weekend we had both at The Cottage. Saturday was a planned party. We hosted a gathering for the artsy people who serve at our church — the musicians, vocalists, tech team, actors/actresses…  At about 7:30 pm we realized it had been nearly 4 hours since we had guests at The Cottage, so we called Darold and … Read More

Fashion Show


It’s standard practice here at The Cottage (still deciding on name) that when the girls return from shopping (not including mom)  they exhibit their new acquisitions and in most cases  produce a fashion show of sorts. Baby Girl and her BF Kate shopped  like it was their job this week  and scored some awesome sales … Read More

Beauty salon


Tonight the girls are playing beauty salon They have chosen to skip the Palmolive soaking session and are moving right into the attachment of store-bought acrylic nails Kate asked Danae to apply the acrylics — because as we all know, Danae is a perfectionist which gives you the best chance for a job well done … Read More

My Prayer


Our church and many others in our community are reeling today after learning that a dear friend and sweet lady has unexpectedly died. Jean had surgery on Friday, and was getting up to take that first walk after surgery late yesterday afternoon when a blood clot raced to her heart and took her life. I … Read More

Cute puppy warning


If you are susceptible to falling in love with puppy cuteness, puppydog eyes, or fluffy furballs — which then may lead to a late night (or early morning) run to the nearest breeder —   consider this fair warning to go no further than THIS. I warned you This little guy is sooooo cute and … Read More