I’ve been MIA the last few days — and have drawn a bit of “grief” for my absence.  I don’t mind though…it makes me feel needed.  I have issues. Through out the evening of December 23 – in the middle of a snowstorm, we watched the flight postings in Minneapolis.  Our Wild One was scheduled … Read More



Remember my friend Colin?   Maybe I’m taking a great risk of “overdoing it”  — as in giving him too much coverage, but trust me, this one is worth it! In Colin’s words: This (video) was created for Emily Wilson, who is the sister of Sarah Wilson, a girl I met and became good friends … Read More

A piece of art . . .


According to DIY Guy… and in his own words —     this purse is “like a piece of art” and to tell you the truth, I definitely agree with him! My friend made it for me. I was supposed to make it. I’m not so good at knitting, and this was a bit complicated. When … Read More

I mentioned him the other day


Colin A college student I know – and love did this Venice: “A Carnival without the Rides” from Colin Cabalka on Vimeo. Shot in one day, all handheld. Love the people, love the place. Panavision Lenses and Custom built Rig. Music By Thievery Corporation Colin –  –he hangs out at our house now and then–when … Read More

Blue Eyes


efore Melissa moved away to the far away land of Omaha, she asked me take some photos of her sweet little boy, Foster. It was nap time for the little guy, but he held it together for us and put up with my nonsense.  His eyes really ARE THAT blue! (just like his momma’s) He … Read More

added to my “List”


This activity wasn’t on my original “100 list” that I compiled in January.  You can view it here.  But I quickly decided it was going to be added — when several of Baby Girl’s friends stopped by back in April with a trunk full of longboards. Longboards are like skateboards only . . . longer. … Read More

Catch up night…


Spent the evening catching up on all the photo editing I’m behind on . . . My laptop has been giving me grief lately, making editing a major pain.  This order is just about done…one or two more pics to go…then on to the next order — and then I’ll be done!

Still kids at heart


Friday night proved it — adults like to play dress up too! And although I don’t enjoy the process of figuring out a costume and dressing up — it is always fun to go to  Scott & Amy’s Halloween Party. they have a large collection of decorations and food — that is a bit scarey Witch Fingers … Read More

Made the best of it


It snowed on Friday. No big deal here in MinneSNOWta We had a full weekend planned with friends Original plan was a trip to Lake Geneva, WI We traded that trip in for more local trip –  (totally unrelated to weather) Friday First stop: Shopping at TJ Maxx (the girls) 2nd stop: Dinner downtown @ … Read More

That was fast!


WOW. Talk about a fast and full weekend!  Sheesh. Time flew – but it was so fun.   We had recreation time . . . . . .and a wedding that we all attended . . . Where we did a little catching up with friends as we celebrated a marriage with their family These … Read More