

We declared Saturday “Apple Day” and got busy picking the apples from our three apple trees We had some good help with the picking and ended up with more apples than we could ever use picking the apples was just the beginning of the day we also made 16 apple pies we were pretty efficient … Read More

Fish Tales


First let me just say….”I’mmmmmmm Baaaaaacckk” !! Oh how it feels so good to be back among my blog friends.  I missed you!  All 50+ of you….including the 45 who only creep and don’t comment.  That’s ok creepers… I missed you too! A few days ago, when Google rudely and abruptly cut me off –telling … Read More



If you have “margin” in your life, as in extra space/time to fill, — as in not every hour planned to the minute — a random invitation like we received the other night can make for an amazing weekend — at the last minute. Early Friday evening:  {phone rings} Me:  hello Sandy:  What are you … Read More

Hangin’ with the guys…


DIY Guy was hanging with the guys Friday night — eating man food and watching a movie.   Friday night, I was hanging with the guys  — eating man food  Chipotle — and not watching a movie. It is quite the experience chillin’ with the guys. They eat faster than I do — and they eat … Read More

Thursday’s On First


Why oh why haven’t we spent more Thursday evenings downtown this summer?  Jeepers is it ever fun! Every Thursday during the summer Rochester’s downtown comes alive with two music stages and food vendors, and artists of all kinds selling their wares.  It really is the “place to be” on Thursday evenings. We hadn’t planned on … Read More

I should be packing . . .


It took a lot of work to make our party happen last Saturday…and this woman did a major portion of the work.  She is kitchen wizard who made all the food for the party…. and her presentation of the food . . . . . . was aaahhhhhhmazing. . . . it tasted even better … Read More



We had an amazing party here Saturday night . . . So many friends — old and new and so much fun eating, laughing, meeting, dancing  — The Bay City Rollers said it best SATURDAY night! SATURDAY night! SATURDAY night! SATURDAY night! Gonna keep on dancin’ to the rock and roll On Saturday night, Saturday night … Read More

Reunited …


Remember “Peaches and Herb” ?  Sure you do.  Unless you are a punk or don’t listen to “Oldies”. Peaches and Herb did the song —  “Reunited” “I was a fool to ever leave your side Me minus you is such a lonely ride …” Chorus: “Reunited and it feels so good Reunited ’cause we understood There’s one … Read More

Family … from another mother


This cabin porch. . . . . . in the Adirondack Mountains of New York is a place of many memories for our family. . . . and our dear friends, Larry & Gail know all about our memories of this cabin….because they live there. A few years ago Gail & Larry sent us this … Read More

Say “Whiskey” !


We had out of town dinner guests tonight.  Actually, it was more like we had a couple of our “kids” come home for the evening. This is the first time these “kids” came back with offspring of their own! This is Natalie.  She‘s two.  She’s also a “firecracker” that talks up a storm and never stops moving.  She’s a … Read More