Thank You !


This new blog design is the creative work of my friend, Mark. He worked with me over a couple days “figuring me out” (not an easy task) by reading my blog, then designing, re-designing and refining turned into this work of art!  (I think it looks kinda “sassy”—Kirk says that fits!) Check out Mark’s blog here, … Read More



Saturday was amazing. Like, we woke up, and got ready to go. Then we like, drove to Dave and JoLynn’s house where they had like, this amazing breakfast of HUGE cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit and COFFEE waiting for us. and then……we like, drove to Edina where the spa was, and we all got ready for … Read More

What Happens on Fishing Trips….


In the not-so-distant past Kirk went on a fishing trip, to a remote cabin, with a few buddies….and they took pictures! I just can’t pass up this opportunity to expose what REALLY goes on when the guys go fish’n! Looks like they catch at least one fish!  (probably everyone gets their picture taken with the … Read More


It was good to have kids around our house today. JoLynn and Dave brought 4 of their grandchildren over to swim, play with chickens, and jump on the trampoline. While the kids played, JoLynn and I talked decorating and re-decorating. We tried some paint colors on wood and “tested” them. By the end of the … Read More


Some of the old familiar gang . . . We were in youth group together, went to retreats, camps, each other’s weddings, then we grew up, moved far and near, got jobs and had kids . . . I think we did a pretty good job of it too! (some of our kids) and grandkids … Read More


Girl stuff.Margarita’s & appetizers on the patio. A walk. A glass of wine and some card making. Break for more appetizers & then some “Guitar Hero”. Back to making cards. Bedtime at 2:30 a.m. A sleepover. Brenda’s hubby is out-of-town. My hubby is out-of-town (golfing & baseball with friends). My kids are all…you guessed it, … Read More


You find out who your friends are . . .Somebody’s gonna drop everythingRun out and crank up their carHit the gas, get there fastNever stop to think ‘what’s in it for me?’ or ‘it’s way too farThey just show on up with their big old heartYou find out who your friends are. Late Monday evening, … Read More


A good time was had by all tonight – JoLynn & Dave (our hosts for the evening) picked us up for dinner before the show at 300 First. An amazing re-invention of a long time favorite restaurant in town. The atmosphere is wonderful, the food fabulous! I highly recommend this venue! While we waited for … Read More


HuHot Night Out A fabulous new restaurant opened in town called HuHot. It’s a Mongolian grill. Did I mention it is fabulous? Tonight we met two other couples for dinner at this amazing food venue. I’ll show you the ropes so when you go, you’ll know just what to do. First you pick up your … Read More