Here’s the deal


A girl can only do so much. Something had to give. The blog took the hit. Since my last post (November 18) This has happened…. a surprise package arrived. my niece, Mackenzie made me beautiful note cards.  and this happened…. Then this ~ decorating church for the Christmas season in “warehouse/pallet” style  quiet evenings spent … Read More

Cincinnati Road Trip, Part 2


His photos.  His comments. Guest blogger:  Kirk Paul Brown Stadium (home of the Bengals):  Good Seats — lower deck — living large: Bengals had a big win over the Jets 49-9! My host for the day… thanks Tim! All lit up… Nice pavers on this street near Cara & Tim’s place… (Editor’s note:  Kirk walked … Read More

Red Barn Farm


One of my favorite pizza spots is on a farm. So when we wrote up our list of things to do and places to go for our staycation, The Red Barn Farm was included.   The Cincinnati kids had never been to a farm for pizza, so going was a request on their staycation to … Read More

Staycation Favorite


Day two of our staycation included a two hour tour on the Rochester Pedal Pub! Using a group deal, we got our tour for 1/2 price… then invited a bunch of friends to join us. We all chipped in a few bucks per person, several people brought some snacks, everyone tossed  some beverages in the … Read More

Staycation Part I


We did a staycation this summer … at TheCottage reason #1:  Our Cincinnati kids wanted to come “home” reason #2:  We live in a cottage … with a pool … in a cool town …  reason #3:  Two kids had summer (Master’s) classes that they couldn’t miss. reason #4:  Why not? The goal was to … Read More

and now … for something completely different*


Last Wednesday we spent a few hours at University Center Rochester (UCR). It was graduation day for our Baby Girl! She received her Masters of Science Degree in Education. First order of the event:  attend her Action Resource Colloquium (Baby Girls presentation was the best presentation in her group — no kidding) (Colloquium: a usually academic meeting … Read More

Father’s Day Fun(?)


Some serious, heavy duty, physical, labor took place at The Cottage this weekend. Friday was flooring delivery day and we had to get several sheets of particle board ripped up before delivery.  We opted to DIY the floor demo to save us a chunk of change.  With the linoleum backing paper covering the particle board … Read More

Katie and Sam get married


Baby Girl’s college roomie got hitched! Our weekend in the Chicago area was a busy one  Aunt Sally’s birthday luncheon + Katie & Sam’s wedding + Mr. D’s birthday. Busy. But so much fun! Katie and Sam planned to get married outside however, just about the time everyone was seated outdoors, the rain started. Guests … Read More

Concert. Greenies. Shoes.


Baby Girl scored us tickets to a Phillip Phillips concert at WSU.   As a current student (Masters program) she gets the student price on tickets  $5 tickets.  Yes. Please. Us “oldies” figured we’d watch the concert from the bleachers. That lasted for about 5 minutes — before we were down on the floor with … Read More

Wrap Up


Thought I’d give y’all a peek into some of the spaces in the house we didn’t paint. The upstairs apartment (2nd floor) is where the kitchen, living room/alcove, dining room, full bathroom, and master bedroom are. At the opposite end of the hall from the kitchen is a door to a back stairway.  One stairwell … Read More