Fun at the park


We still play at the park and I still try to take pictures of our <adult> children at the park some times it’s easier to get them to cooperate than other times and sometimes there are many “takes” involved after sitting in the car for a day, it felt so good to get out and … Read More

Cincinnati Parks


Four nights.  Three days. Six adults. One 1000 square foot apartment. One bathroom. Dewey’s Pizza.  Skyline Chili.  HomeGoods.  Kenwood Mall.  Christmas.  Presents.  Cooking.  Scattergories. Our Family. Together. One of my favorite things to do in Cincinnati, besides spend time with our kids who live there — is visit the beautiful city parks. This trip we … Read More

We’re a team


This is our Baby Girl. She’s a student teacher in a 5th Grade classroom. She has been working VERY hard and getting VERY LITTLE sleep. A typical day starts at …..oh, maybe 6:30 am. She gets home from teaching around 7:00 pm. She allows herself time to eat, and about an hour of “down time”. Then … Read More



Busy, busy, busy long weekend here at The Cottage. 1.  Thursday:  Pick up Cara at airport in Minneapolis.  Check. 2.  Shop at TJ Maxx.  Check. 3.  Meet with wedding photographer.  Check. 4.  Bridal Shower.  Check. 5.  Grocery Shop.  Check. 6.  Meet with florist.  Check. 6.  Celebrate Nate’s birthday (24th).  Check. 7.  Hang with kids and … Read More

Daddy, ok


I love this commercial. It captures so well the “parent view” of our children when they are all grown up, or mostly grown up.  I was asked by one of my kiddos if this is how I see the them (my kids).  My response came without hesitation.  “Yep, sure do.” Makes me wonder – will … Read More

Rough night. Tough Day.


I had quite the night Friday night.  I’m not talking about a party.  It wasn’t fun. Talk about uncomfortable.  Sheesh. It wasn’t a bug.  It wasn’t food poisoning. I even went to bed with my clothes on! After keeping Mr. D awake all night with my tossing and turning and flipping and flopping, I woke … Read More



Taking a look at April …through the years. 2009 — we enjoyed warm weather! 2008 –  warm again! 2007 – Mr. D works on his shed in short sleeves!   2006 – we enjoyed a warm April in St. Louis with Dad 2005 – A trip to San Diego! 2004  —  we were attending dance recitals … Read More

I wonder what he wants?


My boy is doing a Facebook 30-Day Photo Challenge.  The challenge tells you what kind of photo to post each day.  To get the specifics on the challenge, or to try it yourself, click here. Sunday was Day 14. The prompt was: “Post a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without” He … Read More

Code work


We get such a kick from our Baby Girl’s antics and style.   Christmas morning she showed up with another creative use of her style. Each of her cutely wrapped gifts had a gift tag  but, some people were receiving more than one gift and it is a pretty big deal with our family that … Read More