The Orange Army


A week ago Tuesday Mr. D left at 7:15 pm to drive 24 hours straight. To help people.  People who had their homes destroyed by hurricane Sandy. This “orange army” has worked long and hard days serving others for the last week. Tomorrow evening they return. I am so excited to see and be with … Read More

Two in One


We celebrated two big days on Sunday. Father’s Day and a birthday. Our Natey Boy was born on June 17th (a Wednesday) 25 years ago (whoa…those 25 trips around the sun went fast!)  In the past 25 years the two special days have only landed on the same day four times.  1990.  2001. 2007. 2012.   The kid … Read More

Mr. D’s Cylinder Index


This is a post for the men who read this blog …. I’m going to attempt to explain Cylinder Indexes, also known as C.I.’s. to the women who read, and maybe to a few men out there. What is a Cylinder Index? A Cylinder Index is a measurement in which the total number of internal … Read More



Busy, busy, busy long weekend here at The Cottage. 1.  Thursday:  Pick up Cara at airport in Minneapolis.  Check. 2.  Shop at TJ Maxx.  Check. 3.  Meet with wedding photographer.  Check. 4.  Bridal Shower.  Check. 5.  Grocery Shop.  Check. 6.  Meet with florist.  Check. 6.  Celebrate Nate’s birthday (24th).  Check. 7.  Hang with kids and … Read More

True Love


Valentine’s Day —  Hearts, Flowers, Romantic Dinners, Jewelry, Chocolate . . .  To say: I love you, Be Mine, I like you, You’re great and You Rock! Mr. D knows: I have a sweet tooth, that I enjoy dinner out, like jewelry as much as the next girl, and think flowers are swell. However, Mr. … Read More


Last week Mr. D invited our Baby Girl  to attend a Father/Daughter Summit with him.   This was an all day event organized by the National Center for Fathering.   Baby Girl was thrilled to have her daddy all to herself for an entire day.  A day of getting to know and understand each other better … Read More

Wild wheels . . .


DIY Guy and I decided today that we missed this . . . We sure had a lot of fun on this 1981 Kawasaki 440 Whaddya say babe?   Get another one? Ready for a mid-life crisis? Do we still qualify for that?

I just want to say . . .


My mama told me, don’t lose you Cause the best luck I had was you. And I know, one thing. I love you. (33 years ago – as of early Dec) Mama was right.

Signs of Spring — and Testosterone


Visible signs that spring  is arriving in the frozen tundra  have been appearing . . . The obvious robin… that may or may not  have been around all winter . . . Parkas are shed for sweatshirts … (Nate in his creepy front zip-to-the-tip hoodie) and indoor activity is abandoned for  more testosterone  raving fun I just … Read More

Line Dancing!


My word did we ever get a work-out line dancing Friday night! I think we learned 3 different line dances in an hour.   Check out DIY Guy and Baby Girl dancing . . . After the hired instructor left…they asked Baby Girl to keep teaching so everyone could keep dancing!  She had some very … Read More