A myth?


My name is Cheri, and I eat cookie dough. I’ve indulged from early childhood, standing on a chair in my mother’s kitchen to reach inside the bowl for that soft, buttery concoction of eggs, flour, butter, oatmeal, brown sugar, sugar….  At some point in my early adult years the warning came out….eating food with raw eggs … Read More

Hodgepodge entertainment


You never know who you will run into at fundraising events! Kirk and former Mayor of Rochester, Chuck Hazama reminisce.  Kirk took a group of teenagers to the Mayor’s home on a photo scavenger hunt.  They had to have a photo with the Mayor as they sang him Christmas Carols.  He was such a good … Read More



 I’m married to a DIY- GUY.  You know, “Do-It-Yourself” — which is both a blessing and a curse.  I must admit that it is more on the “blessing” side of life though.  I’m pretty sure my DIY-GUY, a.k.a. Drummer Boy can do just about anything I can dream up in my “remodel, redo, redecorate & … Read More

All in a week


 We got our first snow. . .   Drummer boy washed windows!!    We checked under the pool cover to see if there was a leak…..and there was.     Gabby killed an oppossum…..for sure.      Then Gabby looked for more possums, then she took a nap.  And I smell popcorn now….. Jealous?  Drummer boy … Read More

“I’m not dead yet”


As if bloggers need a reason to blog, yesterday we discovered that my blog was an important resource.  It literally made the difference between life, and death. Kirk received this email from his former college roommate and friend yesterday: “Hey Kirk! Let me tell you a little story. I got home from work today about 6:45 … Read More

Sunday in Cincy


The three of us entered the Danbarry Theaters in West Cincinnati at around 10:45 this morning to attend CHURCH.  Upon entering the lobby I immediately started to “recognize” faces of people I’d never met.  Faces that I’d seen on Pastor Ryan’s blog.  A blog I read with great regularity – not because I know him, … Read More

Teacher’s pet


Shortly after Kirk and I started dating, we were driving by an elementary school.  As we passed by the school he said, “that’s where I went to elementary school”.  I responded to his comment with a question.  “Who was your 1st grade teacher?”  He said, “Mrs. Reiff”.  I said, “that’s my grandma!”  Kirk replied with:  “no way!”  When … Read More

Back in the day . . .


As long as we are walking down memory lane, we might as well take a peek into another memory . . . Drummer boy and I started dating as juniors in high school. Though we attended different high schools and lived in different towns, we managed to see each other a couple times a week….and talked nearly … Read More


Remember my last blog — when I wrote this: “Tomorrow I’ll post more photos and tell you about the romantic thing Kirk did. ;)” ?By the way, “tomorrow” was obviously a “loose” term for “some time soon.” We ate dinner with Danae – and after she left us to “go more blonde”. We checked out … Read More


It’s not easy to get Kirk to go shopping. Somehow I convinced him that tonight was a good time to go find him a couple new dress shirts and ties. Let me tell you, he was WAY over do for some new ones. We were all getting tired of seeing him in the same blue … Read More