Pizza on the farm


Once in awhile we get a hankerin’  for pizza and a drive in the country so we head to a farm in Wisconsin and order ourselves up some pizza but only on Tuesday’s and when the weather is nice because everything is outside including the ovens we bring our own table & chairs and we … Read More

My DIY Project


Last weekend I walked the shore line just steps from our friends cabin on Battle Lake. I found treasures. For a change I didn’t pick stones. I was distracted by the driftwood. I had a vision. A plan. A DIY project. I found 3 small pieces of driftwood  Exactly what I was looking for to … Read More

10,000 Lakes


Living in the Land of 10,000 Lakes is awesome. Having friends with a cabin on one of the beautiful lakes is priceless. Last weekend DIY Guy and I left The Cottage and headed up North with friends.  A grown-up get-away weekend at Battle Lake  — just the four of us.   Getting away from it all is invigorating … Read More

In the news !


 Remember this story? You can read it here. Or… you can read the story as Tracy McCray describes it on the Post-Bulletin website here. Or… you can read the story in print in the Saturday, June 19th edition! Tracy said this about my blog…..“I LOVE the “always have a choice and it always makes a … Read More

Take me out to the ballgame


We took the kids out to the ballgame last week. Mike’s ballgame — in Stewartville. First stop:  The Pizza Ranch — because Baby Girl loves her some Pizza Ranch Boofay (trans. buffet), especially the cactus bread.  I’m pretty sure she goes just for the unlimited supply of cactus bread. After we finished at the feeding trough, … Read More



Wait.  What?  It’s Sunday?  I haven’t written since when?  Tuesday?  Whoa. It’s been a week…a very crazy, unsettling, busy, exhausting week. So much has happened — and changed —  I’ll tell you all about it later –  But now I must go collect eggs —  and ponder the existence of good companies to work for … Read More

Social Ice


Last night DIY Guy and I strolled the streets of downtown Rochester and enjoyed the ice sculpture displays outside many of the businesses. Our fine city proved that cold temperatures and snow need not keep us indoors suffering from isolation and cabin fever.  The Rochester Downtown Alliance (RDA) invited the people of Rochester to “come … Read More

A day in the life . . .


I live in Minnesota.   The frozen tundra. Snow is expected. Snow should not be a surprise to the people here. Even snow that arrives on October 12th. Yet, every year when the first flakes begin to fall, the people here go nuts — like it’s  some novelty. Some people here actually LIKE the snow. … Read More

Think it’s over? Think Again.


Of course it isn’t over. This dadgum state we live in likes to have snow at the end of March. March 24, 2008  One year ago today. Then the snow melts… and Minnesotan’s sigh in relief. (March 30, 2008) as we start to notice small signs of spring Then another cruel  Minnesota joke is played … Read More

Too tired


Another list item crossed off . . . finished the kolachki’s.  I swore the entire time I was making them that I’m not making them next year.  They are SO putzy and time consuming.  The only reason I made them is they are a favorite of Kirk and Cara’s.  Ok, I like them too, but … Read More