Battle Lake, MN


We recently took a trip to Battle Lake, MN  to a friend’s cabin for an extended weekend of R and R. It was wonderful! I grew up with lakes in my life.  My grandparents had a summer home on a lake in Michigan, and I lived 20 minutes from the beaches of Lake Michigan Give … Read More

Red Barn Farm


One of my favorite pizza spots is on a farm. So when we wrote up our list of things to do and places to go for our staycation, The Red Barn Farm was included.   The Cincinnati kids had never been to a farm for pizza, so going was a request on their staycation to … Read More



8+ inches of snow means working from home for me (the commute is brutal on country roads covered in snow) Mr. D worked from home too he also worked out-of-the-home Last year —  same day March 11, 2012 the weather on this very same day 63 degrees!  it was glorious  Ever. March 2012: March … Read More

Day trip


Saturday morning we got our weary bones out of bed early to join our friends, Dave and Jo Lynn, on a trip to Minneapolis to Bauer Brothers Salvage.  A warehouse FULL to the brim of used building materials and architectural elements.  This place would make American Pickers go ka-ray-zee!  Dave and Jo Lynn were picking … Read More

First time for everything…


After sleeping in a bit on Sunday, Mr. D and I joined our BFFs and headed to  the Great Minnesota Get-Together The Minnesota State Fair We’ve been a couple times but this time was VERY different from other visits. Besides not having any children along, we did something VERY out-of-character for both of us. Never … Read More