

Mr. D surprised me with an awesome present this week. No occasion.  Just a present. I use my blender nearly every day to make a breakfast smoothie. This retro beauty used belong to Mr. D’s mom.  It has served me well every morning, and still works.  But not as good as it used to.  It … Read More

Funnel Cakes


We were here.  At the Zumbro River Community Festival. Way back in June.  The 23rd.  Twenty twelve. We took the VIPs who were spending the weekend at “Camp Cottage” for some fun, food, and fireworks.  These young gymnasts and their little brother dominated the bungee jump! The kiddos had a blast at all the festival … Read More

Birthday celebration


Mr. D celebrated another trip around the sun today.  Which means he is now as old as me.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I robbed the cradle. For his birthday meal, he requested:                                  1.  Homemade pizza         … Read More

In the works…


Last week I mentioned to Mr. D that I had a “plan” for the bay window in the dining area of our kitchen.  A typical Mr. D response would be, “that’s nice”, hoping that my plan, project or idea won’t involve action on his part. I struck gold this time .. Mr. D liked my idea! He … Read More

Mr. D’s Cylinder Index


This is a post for the men who read this blog …. I’m going to attempt to explain Cylinder Indexes, also known as C.I.’s. to the women who read, and maybe to a few men out there. What is a Cylinder Index? A Cylinder Index is a measurement in which the total number of internal … Read More

I don’t know you, you don’t know me…


Confession # 754 We did the unthinkable. The Inconceivable. The Dirty and the Nasty. It felt so wrong.  We felt so dirty. But we did it anyway. Just to say we’d been there, and done that. Heck, we were driving right by the place. We were on our way to Door County and had to … Read More

Another first day


Nate had his first day of school today on the other side of the desk. Congrats Nate! and Mr. D took me out to dinner tonight at Chester’s Kitchen and Bar.   It’s one of our favorite restaurants –  and we typically hit up this spot only on special occasions. Like today. We split an … Read More

Almost wordless Wednesday


Mr. D collects cacti. Sometimes they make me crazy. They multiply like rabbits. But for about 2 days once a year — they are BEauuuuutiful. Mr. D took the photos. He would also be happy to give you one of his cactus “babies”. I would too. šŸ™‚

a new pad


Mr. D recently celebrated a birthday.   Unfortunately his gift arrived post-birthday. My bad. My plan was to purchase his gift the day he picked me up at the Minneapolis airport on my return from Cincinnati.  (It was the day before his birthday) The only place that had the birthday gift I was in search … Read More

hard at work


Mr. D has been working very hard around The Cottage lately getting the yard ship shape for the wedding.  He has been “walking” the yard and spraying weeds, fertilizing the yard, digging up sod, tilling the garden, planting the garden (with my help) and putting in new landscaping. We started a landscape project over Memorial … Read More