In the news !


 Remember this story? You can read it here. Or… you can read the story as Tracy McCray describes it on the Post-Bulletin website here. Or… you can read the story in print in the Saturday, June 19th edition! Tracy said this about my blog…..“I LOVE the “always have a choice and it always makes a … Read More

A new ride


DIY Guy saved his money and bought himself a new bike! He’s been saving and talking about buying a recumbent bike for a couple years now.   He found the bike on Craigslist — and though it isn’t new, it is pretty dadgum close to being new. The bike has been in our garage for a … Read More

Doing the right thing


 Found – Power Tool in Rochester.  Must identify the power tool (type / model, etc) and where & how you may have lost it.  I will not respond unless you give me some details (brand and type of tool minimum) — don’t bother fishing for info. On his way to play drums at church last … Read More



It’s done! It’s reveal day….and I’m SO excited! Roll your mouse over this picture to see the transformation From the kitchen side from the side I love, love, love it — thanks for your hard and persistent work on this for me Projects completed are my favorite kind of gift Amen.

Mothers and Sons


If you had told me before I had kids that I would give birth to a boy, I wouldn’t have believed you.   Until I had that 9 lb 3 oz. bundle of all boy in my arms — it seemed impossible. Even with him in my arms, I clearly remember thinking, “A boy came … Read More

mowin’ and another item off the list


It takes a village to mow our 2.5 acres.   Maybe not a village, but two of us. Ok, not really.  DIY Guy can handle it just fine without me. But I wanted to be a supportive wife – and keep him company while he mowed. Make your own animation Don’t worry, he didn’t mow … Read More



Here’s a quick recap of last night’s counter work . . . Create your own video slideshow at No DIY Guys were hurt in the making of this video or during the counter demolition.

A work in progress


Slowly, ever so slowly, I’m putting items back in the house — from the garage. I’m being very careful…and sometimes items come in – and go out quickly. What I’m sayin’ is … don’t get too attached to the look you see in these pictures – It has already been changed.  Except for the paint … Read More

Course completed


Tonight DIY Guy and I graduated from Financial Peace University!! Can you graduate from a course you teach? In this case, yes you can!   The course lasted 13 weeks during those weeks MANY classmates reduced debt paid off credit cards —  then cut them up! Completed Baby Step #1:  Saving $1000 for an emergency fund and … Read More

The reveal


DIY Guy spent last week out of town visiting his family in St. Louis. I stayed home – I had to work.  DIY Guy has waaaay more vacation days than I do — and he has earned them over the 29 years he has spent at the Fortune 500 company. With DIY Guy out of … Read More