4 Wheels


Sometimes I have to push DIY Guy out the door, and down the driveway  so he will go spend time burning up gasoline and testosterone in a land not too far away where the puddles are plentiful and the creeks run freely through the woods Where boys can be boys – and men can be … Read More


This was in the Wall Street Journal today . . . (click on picture to view larger) This is the project DIY Guy has been working on — he’s the Firmware Project Manager on this project.  I’m so proud!  Besides being an amazing DIY Guy….he’s a great PM too…and Electrical Engineer 🙂 Thanks for all … Read More

Shameless Plug


Live Like No One Else! So You Can Live Like No One Else! Financial Peace University is Dave’s life-changing program that teaches you to achieve your financial goals by eliminating debt, saving for the future, and giving like never before. More than 1 million families have attended Financial Peace University with amazing results. You will be challenged and … Read More


Oh my, my, my . . .   . . . nothing like a little, (large) TV action to make a man happy! They haven’t stopped smiling since this 52 inch baby arrived! (which was AFTER Christmas) Comments heard since the arrival: “I just keep thinking what a great picture this is” “You can see the … Read More


Occasionally I make DIY guy a bit nervous …. like when I start talking too much. I’m not sure what it is, but in certain situations, I’ll tell you just about anything about me….and DIY Guy……an that’s where he draws the line.  For some uncanny reason, he doesn’t like me telling his secrets.  Go figure. … Read More


Finally have got some Christmas decorating – and cleaning done!  I have been a bit paralyzed with decorating for Christmas this year — I just couldn’t find the motivation, inspiration or desire to decorate.  I was beginning to feel some kinship to Scrooge! I did the centerpiece last week, but that’s all I could muster. … Read More

Wild wheels . . .


DIY Guy and I decided today that we missed this . . . We sure had a lot of fun on this 1981 Kawasaki 440 Whaddya say babe?   Get another one? Ready for a mid-life crisis? Do we still qualify for that?

I just want to say . . .


My mama told me, don’t lose you Cause the best luck I had was you. And I know, one thing. I love you. (33 years ago – as of early Dec) Mama was right.

A new gadget . . .


Recently I bought a gadget — this gadget converts 35mm slides and film to a digital photo…and I am llllll-ov-in it! Our printer/scanner does the same thing – but it takes a lot longer and is more complex to use.  This baby is a cinch to use. I’ve been going through slides I haven’t seen … Read More



DIY Guy and I marked the 28th year of the day we were married on Friday … and Saturday…. and Sunday! That’s a benefit of being an empty nester –  (10 months of the year anyway)! We began the celebrating Friday evening with a fabulous gourmet dinner out at the Rainbow Cafe in Pine Island … Read More