Fish Tales


First let me just say….”I’mmmmmmm Baaaaaacckk” !! Oh how it feels so good to be back among my blog friends.  I missed you!  All 50+ of you….including the 45 who only creep and don’t comment.  That’s ok creepers… I missed you too! A few days ago, when Google rudely and abruptly cut me off –telling … Read More



When you are married to a DIY Guy and you go to things like Flea Markets and Gold Rush you always bring your camera.  You bring your camera because inevitably there will be things that you don’t want to dish out the dough for — because your DIY Guy can make them for you.   I … Read More

Bloom’n Cactus


DIY Guy has a cactus collection.  It all started when his mom sent him to college with a cactus “start” from one of her cactus plants.  Over the years his cactus has had many “babies” which he likes to plant as starters for other people.  There have been times when we’ve had dozens of little … Read More

Tomorrow I shall . . .


Perhaps all you ladies out there are wondering how I manage to get DIY Guy to go with me – year after year (for the past 17 years) to Gold Rush (antique show). This is how. and there is no effort on my behalf. He goes with me to consume these  amazing homemade ice cream sandwiches. Every … Read More



My first memories of these were stone…possibly exposed aggregate…but I’m not sure.  They were in the town (village?) where my grandparents had their summer home.  We called their summer home “The Cottage”. The highlight of any “trip into town” was getting a drink from one of these on the street corner.  We referred to them … Read More

Over 25,000 gallons


We’ve had a hose constantly running (cold) water into our pool all summer.  Holes in a pool liner are no fun at all.  Running cold water in your pool all day and night doesn’t make for warm pool water either.   Tonight DIY Guy patched another hole in the liner.  It is the third hole … Read More

Weekend Progress


DIY Guy and I are making some good progress on our list of things to get done this month and THAT’S a GOOD THING.  Because…next weekend we are having a party here for the Arts Team (at church).  The artists.  The drama queens and kings, musicians, vocalists, tech team, planners, directors…etc.  Basically, all the creative … Read More



If the situation wasn’t so frustrating, annoying and time consuming, we’d almost have to laugh I‘m pretty sure this is where most of the trouble started…back in April or May. I think it all started within a matter of minutes from when the above photo was taken. DIY Guy ran into a bit of a … Read More



We’ve finally arrived at one of the more fun parts of installing a patio — tonight we actually started laying the pavers.   — pavers are set on top of a 1-inch layer of sand To get that one inch layer exact, DIY Guy had to screed the sand. Don’t feel bad, until the other day, I … Read More

Weekend work


As much as I wanted to sit by the pool, sip iced tea and read magazines this weekend, there was a pressing job to be done… …and I don’t mean ironing either. …I’m talk’n serious pressing … and moving “material” as DIY Guy called it . . . …then raking and more pounding the “material” … Read More