Pool drama


A sparkly blue pool doesn’t just happen. It involves physical labor, chemical balancing, vacuuming, skimming, brushing and more. Each year when the pool cover is peeled away, we wonder how long it will take to get the water sparkly blue again.  Mr. D claims it takes one week to transform the water from black to … Read More



My plan was to get a ton of stuff done by 2:00 pm today. Then relax poolside for an hour. Then work some more. Three times I tried to get in the pool. Three times I failed. Tomorrow. One hour.  — me + pool.

So ready


Last spring when we uncovered the pool it looked like this . . . This year when we uncovered the pool it looked like this: It doesn’t matter to Gabby if the water is green or blue — she always jumps in after the cover is off. We are ready for warm weather here at … Read More

Weather at The Cottage


I was a bit taken off guard by the weather this afternoon.  But my boy was ahead of the game.  Nate inherited the weather gene from his father so I typically don’t give any thought to the weather because I know the men at The Cottage will be keeping a close watch. Before I even … Read More

First swim


Gabby was pretty excited last night when we headed out to the pool and went through the  opening process  and it IS a process . . . of loosening all the springs a task that DIY Guy was happy to hand off to a younger back (with a skinned shin from roller blading) Baby Girl … Read More



Last night the pool looked like this. (Gabby is “fishing” – lots of tree frogs swimming around in the big puddle) Today at 1:00 pm It looked like this In less than 4 hours they had the old liner out and this new liner in. I was disappointed that I’d missed the process. See how … Read More

Over 25,000 gallons


We’ve had a hose constantly running (cold) water into our pool all summer.  Holes in a pool liner are no fun at all.  Running cold water in your pool all day and night doesn’t make for warm pool water either.   Tonight DIY Guy patched another hole in the liner.  It is the third hole … Read More

I challenge you!


He holds the record for the farthest reaching splash, the highest splash, and the largest wave. He is the resident expert on doing a “Can Opener” (a.k.a. jack-knife depending on what side of the tracks you’re from).   At 50 years old…. he still holds the Title! Any Title Challengers out there?   I just … Read More