Dumpster Dive Part 3


I’ve saved the best dive item for last.  Definitely my favorite, and most likely to last through my decor edits. This old kitchen window has so much character.  Seriously, when was the last time you saw a window that opens like this? See that pink arrow pointing to that road burned leg?  Fell off my … Read More

Bay window reveal


A few weeks ago I found this picture on Pinterest.  It totally inspired me to do something I’d been considering for awhile, just never had the guts to do it.  So last week that inspiration picture, turned my idea into a plan, and then a project. Our bay window before…. and after It’s crazy how … Read More

In the works…


Last week I mentioned to Mr. D that I had a “plan” for the bay window in the dining area of our kitchen.  A typical Mr. D response would be, “that’s nice”, hoping that my plan, project or idea won’t involve action on his part. I struck gold this time .. Mr. D liked my idea! He … Read More

We did work


We arrived late Thursday night.   Our mission:  to get some work done at my sister and bro’s (in-love) home to give them a head start on graduation open house preparations. Night One:  Visited.  Relaxed. Snacked. Hit the sack.   With a 9:00 am work start, we needed our beauty rest. Friday/Crew One:  Nate, Mackenzie, … Read More

Weekend project


Thursday afternoon it was decided.  I would paint the upstairs hall and stairwell. The dark tan and brown walls were ….too dark.  Too gloomy.  There were also nicks and marks on the wall from furniture moving… and a dry wall crack that needed attention. A soft, buttery, cottage-y yellow was my goal.  Paint cards were … Read More



Thanks for your comments and input everyone!  It was fun to hear what you like reading here, and you have inspired me to keep at it, and get moving on some projects that have been sitting on the sidelines (and in the garage).   Decorating/home projects seem to be a favorite, so I’m gettin’ busy … Read More

Furniture makeover


Over 20 years ago I found this Martha Washington sewing cabinet at a garage sale in Upstate New York.  It is a cabinet made for storing sewing supplies dating back to the early 1900’s.  I think I paid $15 for it, which was a pretty big spend for a mom with three little kids hittin’ … Read More

Give Away!


In yesterday’s post I showed you the padded camera strap cover that I made. It was so much fun making the strap cover that I made two more tonight and I’m giving them both away! If you would like one of these padded camera strap covers for your (or a friend’s) DSLR camera, leave a comment … Read More

Quick Project


Solid Fabric + Print Fabric + Fusible Fleece +  Sewing Machine = Camera strap cover! I seriously spent more time choosing fabric and  and gathering supplies for the project than I spent making the strap cover.

Midwest family mission trip


My sister and her family went on a mission trip in the Midwest last weekend. Specifically — a mission trip to Minnesota. More specifically — a mission trip to help family — in Rochester. Family that has a long list of things to git done by August 6th. My sister, her hubby, two of her … Read More