

It was time to clear some photos off my phone.  Deleted many.  Saved a bunch.  If you follow me on Instagram these will all be repeats for you.  I’m really sorry.  I’m also really sorry for all the canine photos.  In the absence of babies at The Cottage (for now) the fur babies get photographed! … Read More

Randoms on April first!


Random stuff today. Sure, why not.  It’s April Fools Day. Got home from work today and favorite son (who was visiting) was grinning ear to ear. I see the foil covered pan on the counter. Me:   {smiling}  “you baked today?”  Him:  “Yep, I made brownies!” Me:  “Impressive” Me:  {uncovering pan} …. “dang” He had … Read More

Four things…


ONE. Our Nike dog came to us via a chance encounter with Camp Companion and our unexpected, totally spontaneous adoption. His breed was unknown.  We have since nailed his breed down to a Norwich Terrier.  He fits all the descriptions from personality to looks. Tonight  this advertisement was in our local paper: Norwich Terrier Pup: … Read More

This would look nice at The Cottage…


I love looking at old photos.  I received these in my inbox a couple days ago. The photos were taken in the Northwest when the logging industry was still young. Check out the size of the tree …. and the length of the HAND saw they used! and the heavy duty axes… These guys did … Read More

Live Inspired


I came across a great party idea the other day.  Before I go on about the party, I’d like to share this with you…. Random Acts of Kindness Pay It Forward Can you imagine a birthday party that incorporates those themes? What about a neighborhood party that does? Or a backyard picnic? Read about a … Read More



Our current home is the third home we’ve “owned” and the first home that has a usable attic. The attic is in the garage and has a not-so-secret trap door in the ceiling  and a fold-down ladder  basically, it’s a junk magnet that sucks up the stuff we rarely use or don’t use at all, or … Read More

Random stuff


After Baby Girl’s birthday lunch on Sunday, we walked a few steps to the river in Winona. As in the Mississippi River. DIY Guy was tempted to take the risk. But he didn’t.  It would have been a long day in wet clothes. We saw a couple of these houseboats. Baby Girl and I thought … Read More

Today at The Cottage


Randomography: 1.  Amur Maples.  One of my favorite trees. 2.  Gabby loves the new window seat in the bay window. 3.  Changed up the mantle today.  Still needs work. 4.  Picked my favorite wildflower. Queen Anne’s Lace.     Love it on the “hearth”. 5.  Baby Girl painted my toenails for me this evening.     French … Read More


It’s true,  and here’s how it all went down . . . 1.  Took too long deciding what to wear to work 2.  Because of above, was running a bit late. 3.  Couldn’t find keys. 4.  Car in shop, drive van today — van radio is broke –does weird things to frustrate me. 5.  Van … Read More