You will love this…


This group’s name is Perpetuum Jazzile. It’s a choir.  Watch this video and see how this incredible ensemble handles the tune “Africa” by Toto.   You are going to be amazed. Then you’re going to share it with your friends. Then you’re going to send me love letters for sharing this with you. Kim Kommando … Read More


I saw this picture  on someone’s blog over a month ago.   I didn’t know what to “do” with it or what to think….so I copied it into my files.   It has haunted me ever since. Jean-Yves-Lemoigne-Photography I keep going back to it and looking. What do you think when you look at this photo? … Read More

Dancing Tonight!


Yeeee Haw….. DIY Guy and I are going to “cut a rug” tonight! We’re going LINE DANCING — at our church!  (lessons included & free!) No kidding….it’s legit.  Crosswinds Church is doing a 3-week series on Country Music — This week’s song & message: “Find Out Who Your Friends Are” Good times tonight! Y’all are … Read More



Let the records show —  I asked.   This is NOT a confidential document or image. But it is a very poor attempt at getting it to the appropriate size to show you here. Quite some time ago DIY Guy asked me to make him a header for his work webpage.  And typically, I procrastinated. … Read More

Billboard Action?


Can you believe it?  Our girl is already on a storefront poster! and wait….is that our boy on a mall poster? and is that our baby girl on a huge billboard? And DIY guy’s photos at an art show? and DIY Guy and me in an Armani advertisement? or…. are these just some of the … Read More

Video of the day


Enlarge to full-screen, there are subtitles.  Makes you think doesn’t it?

A “Catch”


He can sew buttons, change diapers, feed babies, make delicious homemade fudge, chocolate chip cookies & brownies (from a box). ….and he could be your child’s teacher elementary school teacher some day!  As they used to say, back in the day….”he’s a catch” ! Sorry Nate, hope you don’t mind this blog post……don’t be hate’n! … Read More



Late last night (as in Sunday), Nate and I were mellowing out (is that a correct term?) on the couch.  He was watching silly YouTube videos, which we’d laugh at together, while I tried to read my photography book. Suddenly Nate remembered (or got a reminder) that Comet Lulin would be visible in the sky on … Read More



Now THIS is the copier to have! Ummmhmmmm….that’s what I’m talk’n ’bout …



Fifty Years Ago…. these were HOT glasses… 50 years ago we didn’t have: color tv disposable contact lenses microwaves CDs ipods cordless phones cell phones Paris Hilton the Oprah Show  laptops computers gas fireplaces Crest White Stripes Mountain bikes ATMs Car seats for kids Bike helmets seat belts Japanese cars in America McDonalds Dairy Queen … Read More