Better than Pottery Barn?


Last weekend Jo Lynn and I took a field trip.   We both had some lookin’ to do at IKEA and… I really wanted to see this new store at the Galleria in Edina. Arhaus is a home furnishing store that is a joy to browse. it’s full of gorgeous spaces Creativity abounds —  and astounds … Read More

Day Trip


When my friend, Sue asked if I’d like to join her and Deb on a Rochester Community Education shopping trip to several unique spots in the Twin Cities I jumped at the opportunity.  Deb and I went along as Sue’s helpers, and received a free trip.  Over 70 ladies filled two coach buses at 7:30 on Friday … Read More

third weekend in august


I’m really excited about our new ….Life’s simple joys —            I wonder how many hours I spent “running through” a sprinkler just like this one.

Fashion Show


It’s standard practice here at The Cottage (still deciding on name) that when the girls return from shopping (not including mom)  they exhibit their new acquisitions and in most cases  produce a fashion show of sorts. Baby Girl and her BF Kate shopped  like it was their job this week  and scored some awesome sales … Read More


One thing leads to another . . . and another . . .  and it leads to memories and laughter  and pretty things for the wall 3 new pictures.  perfect. which leads to re-arranging furniture and “tweaking”  (JoLynn stopped over and made some changes) Still needs some work . . . Maybe some evening when … Read More

Us Girls


Guys:  The following photos may help explain why us ladies take so much time in the dressing room . . . and why it’s always a good thing to have a sister or friend with us and to assure you that we aren’t always about shopping . . . Girls ~~ Someone will always be … Read More


It’s not easy to get Kirk to go shopping. Somehow I convinced him that tonight was a good time to go find him a couple new dress shirts and ties. Let me tell you, he was WAY over do for some new ones. We were all getting tired of seeing him in the same blue … Read More