

Nike continues to entertain us, love us unconditionally, and play like only a puppy plays! He is particularly good at entertaining himself too, and really enjoys balls….



Typical. Just minutes ago, I head to the garage to get an egg carton for the eggs collected today. I stop 9 paces from where I had my first thought to get the stinkin’ egg carton.   I can’t remember why I’m going to the garage.  Am I going to the garage?  I don’t know. … Read More



As Mr. D and drove the back roads on our way home from a friend’s house this afternoon we learned two things. 1.  There is a large reservoir very near our house.  How did we not know this? View Larger Map We followed what we thought were “kites” in the air — to the above … Read More

Live Inspired


I came across a great party idea the other day.  Before I go on about the party, I’d like to share this with you…. Random Acts of Kindness Pay It Forward Can you imagine a birthday party that incorporates those themes? What about a neighborhood party that does? Or a backyard picnic? Read about a … Read More

I know the drummer!


Yeah, I know the drummer — I’m married to him after all….and I’m his biggest fan. Figuratively speaking. But there is another drummer I know — and am so proud of!  I haven’t seen Jeremy for many years — but there was a time (when we were both much younger) that I saw him a … Read More

A proposal


If you’ve been hanging out here for awhile you probably remember Colin.  He is a talented and fun kid who hangs out at The Cottage — when he is in town.  When he isn’t in town he may be in Michigan, or taking video footage at weddings all over the country, or attending school in La … Read More



DIY GUy took me downtown Rochester tonight — to have a beverage and listen to some live music.  It’s a big social event and party in the streets– a great place to run into old friends, co-workers and acquaintances every Thursday evening through the summer. After Thursday’s on First shut down…we strolled down a few … Read More



Here’s a quick recap of last night’s counter work . . . Create your own video slideshow at No DIY Guys were hurt in the making of this video or during the counter demolition.