That was fast


I continue to be amazed at how quickly the holidays come …. and go.  Just as amazing to me is how much activity one family can “pack-in” to a week.

Like a reunion party with HS friends . . .

Having all my kiddos under one roof . . .

baking, cooking, cleaning house, going to church and setting out the food . . .

and having some of our favorite people in for the evening 
exchanging gifts with the kiddos

having a puppy guest

that came along with her “people”
— my sister, her Mr. and my three nieces.

and a trip into the big city of downtown Rochester
to see the Mayo Clinic

and sample the popcorn at Carroll’s Corn

and see the subways of Rochester
(the kind without trains)

and take an evening stroll downtown

to take in some of the cultural elements.

A 1000 piece puzzle was completed in a day.
Many words were spelled out with Bananagrams

And we danced the night away . . .

Now all that remains from that wonderful week of activity
is a few stale cookies, some fudge, 2 cases of strep throat (IL group),
a few extra pounds, 2 kids, one dog…

and one Christmas floral arrangement
from our snowbird neighbor who is at Gulf Shores til February!

The tree and all the decorations are down and packed away.

Ready to take on the new year!