

We declared Saturday “Apple Day”
and got busy picking the apples from
our three apple trees

We had some good help with the picking
and ended up with more apples than we could ever use
picking the apples was just the beginning of the day
we also made 16 apple pies
we were pretty efficient  –
some cut up the apples
others mixed the apples and sugar/cinnamon
I pretty much did the pie crust rolling all day
it was a beautiful thing to 
see the fruit of our labor
after our pie baking we headed to church for our
new Saturday night service  — I sure do love going on Saturday night!

we took these two washtubs (with bags) to the church late Saturday night
(after church) for the Sunday morning folks
and they emptied the tubs!
We all kept a pie or two for ourselves
and have enjoyed giving away the rest of the pies!

It was a good day.