This would look nice at The Cottage…


I love looking at old photos.  I received these in my inbox a couple days ago.
The photos were taken in the Northwest when the logging industry was still young.

Check out the size of the tree …. and the length of the HAND saw they used!

and the heavy duty axes…

These guys did not need a gym for a work out!

After a tree was felled the real work began … maybe a week, or more to cut it up.
Then the tricky part of getting the log down the hill to the train…

 Some of the logs were even bigger than the train engine!

A hollowed out log became the logging company’s mobile office!

Hollowed out logs were also used to feed and house the logging crews.

Anyone know where I can find one of these babies?
One of these “logs” would look reeeeal nice at The Cottage.
If you see one, let me know, ok?