Thursday’s On First


Why oh why haven’t we spent more Thursday evenings downtown this summer?  Jeepers is it ever fun!

Every Thursday during the summer Rochester’s downtown comes alive with two music stages and food vendors, and artists of all kinds selling their wares.  It really is the “place to be” on Thursday evenings.

We hadn’t planned on going — which is the benefit of having grown children — you don’t have to plan!  We are are glad we did go downtown tonight.  We ran into (figuratively speaking) several friends, and  several acquaintances too

I let DIY Guy choose where he wanted to have dinner — he picked Newt’s.  An excellent choice for burgers right off the grill.  

After dinner we headed down to the Peace Plaza and joined Carolee and Dave H. at their table on the Plaza and listened to “The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra” (see below) with them.  I hadn’t chatted with Carolee and Dave in years….which is pathetic, because I see them every week at church!  They were a delight to talk with.  The band….excellent.

We also met up with two very special ladies.  We go waaaaaay back with these two!

Deb                          Your’s truly                          Sue

First — Deb’s daughters, my daughter’s and 2 of Sue’s sons were in the same grades together.  We all served on PTA together through the kids elementary years.  Those were the good old days!  (there were some pretty tough PTA meetings too!  Remember that?  Sheesh)

Deb and I go waaaay back — back to the golden 1980’s!  DIY Guy and I first hung out with Deb’s hubby John — before Deb and John were an “item”.  Then they got married….and we hung out together – us girls watched the guys play IBM softball — then I had a baby — then Deb did — then I did — then we both had our last babies two days apart!  We were even roommates in the hospital with our babies!  Talk about a fun experience!  Rooming with a friend!  
Years later the four of us found ourselves on the same plane leaving Endicott, NY and heading to Rochester, MN — we were on an interview and house hunting trip with IBM — The pressure was on that weekend — trying to find a home — in a weekend! And interviewing for a job.  A few months later both our families were moving from our homes in Upstate NY to the frozen Tundra we now call home.

Every time I’m with these ladies — I wish I was spending more time with them!  They are fun and vibrant — and after I’ve spent time with them — I walk away wanting to spend more time with them.

I’m having you guys over — soon!

Tonight Deb confessed to stalking my blog!  She’s been reading for — how long is it now Deb?  Another stalker “outed”!!  Thanks for reading girl!