To quote Mary Poppins, “I love to laugh.” 
I love it when a great movie makes me laugh.
I love it when an uproarious comedy makes me laugh.
I love it when DIY Guy laughs.
I love laughing with my kids.

I definitely don’t laugh often enough.

Then there’s other times, when whooooheee, heeeehaaawwww  I just can’t seem to stop laughing!  You know, that kind of laughter that is hard to catch your breath and causes your sides to hurt, your eyes to water – and makes you cross your legs or run to the bathroom!  I don’t know about you, but sometimes that type of laughter comes along at times that are inappropriate….like a couple times when I’ve “lost it” in church.  I hate it when that happens — kinda.  (It really makes the whole situation just that much more funny!)

I can still remember some of the times I’ve laughed the hardest in my life!

It seems the older a person gets, the less they laugh.

Tonight DIY Guy and I laughed.  We laughed out loud.
We were watching Carol Burnett and Tim Conway.
How can you not laugh when the two of them are together?

 To promote laughter without joining in it 
greatly heightens the effect!

We don’t laugh because we’re happy — we’re happy because we laugh.

I hope you laugh.