

“If I don’t have friends, 
then I ain’t got nothin’.
Billie Holiday

While eating my Special K Fruit and Yogurt this morning my cell phone rang.  It was my friend Jo Lynn asking me if I’d like to go downtown with her after work, to Thursday’s on First.  It’s a popular annual event/summer market with vendors, music, food & artists.  Tonight was the first one of the summer.

I was thrilled to go.  Kirk and Nate would be working on the patio tonight.  I felt guilty not sticking around….but I needed girlfriend time.

As we strolled through the market smelling all the wonderful food smells and wondering what we would dine on, this sight caught both of our eyes….

. . . a vendor putting a strand of beads on a lock of this little girl’s hair.

It struck us on so many levels…
  • older sister’s hands on hips
  • little sister standing so still and serious
  • man with brush in mouth
  • man doing little girls hair
  • the demeanor of all three was so sweet and quiet
  • Music playing and people bustling around them, yet they were immersed in their moment.
  • it was just sweet.
You get the idea.  It was a moment.  Then Jo Lynn said, “you should have your camera with you.”  duh.  I had one!

I’m glad I went tonight.  We weren’t gone so late that I felt guilty…besides I got a LOT done today!  (got off work at noon!)