Tonight Kirk and I did a “first” for us….we rang the Salvation Army bell at Sam’s Club for two hours tonight. We really enjoyed it and we both agree we would do it again. Lots of people gave $$ which is cool. Salvation Army says that a bucket with volunteers makes $50 more per hour than one that does not have volunteers. I am sure we made at least that tonight. If you live in Rochester you can sign up to ring the bell at the Salvation Army website. It is SO easy.

Wednesday night we are volunteering with Salvation Army again…this time it will be to help 8 & 9 year olds shop for their families at ShopKo with vouchers. We will board a bus at SA and go to ShopKo, then afterwards go back to SA and help the kiddies wrap their gifts and have refreshments. Should be an exciting night.

Today Cara and Danae did a college visit….at Bethel. Danae went and got the tour, talked to the counselor, got a free lunch, and then Cara & Danae hung out for a bit with some of Cara’s friends there. Danae commented to Cara on the way to St. Paul that she would love to go to Bethel so she could have friends as nice as Cara’s (or something like that). I think that says a lot about the quality of most students on that campus….and for the quality friends Cara has. I must say that Nate and Danae have some pretty neat friends themselves.

I should be heading to bed now….morning comes so stinkn’ early these days.