trying a rug in the kitchen


vintage rug
vintage rug

Years ago, I had a runner in our kitchen between the counters. Eventually, the rug wore out and I’ve never replaced it. I have mixed thoughts on rugs in the kitchen. They can warm the space up, but can also be a hassle on floor cleaning day. A corner sink makes even small rugs difficult to use, but I do like that a rug by the sink catches drips of water while placing our dishes in the dishwasher. I don’t need a rug or a runner – I like the look.

This morning I originally dug out this vintage oval rug from storage to try in my office on a whim. I like how this oval rug mimics needlepoint, and the vintage look is appealing to me. Perhaps it appeals even more because I vividly remember this rug in my grandma’s home.

On my way to my office, I glanced toward the kitchen, and without hesitation, walked over to the kitchen and placed the rug in front of the kitchen sink. It isn’t a perfect fit, and it may not last long in this location, but I think it works great for now and I’ll enjoy it even more here than in our storage room!

In the spirit of full disclosure, I’m currently looking into a kitchen mat from House of Noa. I would love to hear your review if you have one in your home! If you haven’t been to their website, go take a look. They have beautiful mats for all types of use.

This is how life goes with me. I get an idea, vision, and plan, then I get sidetracked. Before I know it, I’m onto a new idea or a few ideas. True story …. Somewhere along the way of putting the rug down, I also did a little mantel re-arrange! It’s a snow day here in Rochester – snow + high winds = blizzard conditions which makes it a perfect day for putzing around the house!

3 Comments on “trying a rug in the kitchen”

  1. That is a gorgeous vintage rug. You might want to check out They have a small oval rug that looks similar to that and you won’t have to worry about water or food damage as you load the dishwater

  2. I love this rug. I especially love that it was your Grandma’s. No wonder it resonates with you.
    Let us know what you decide!

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