Two guys


For DIY Guy, celebrating Father’s Day often means sharing the day with his son — who was born very close to Father’s Day.  He doesn’t mind a bit.

On Father’s Day, Baby Girl bought her daddy a dozen doughnuts — she knows that he loves doughnuts almost as much as she does.

After eating the entire box of doughnuts for lunch, DIY Guy, Baby Girl and I
loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly — hills that is, swimmin’ pools, movie stars….

Actually, we went to Winona after we loaded up the van,  — because we had a birthday to celebrate!  Since we live a couple states away from extended family — our celebrations are relatively small scale — but always sweet. 

Wild One sent sent her little brudder a T-Shirt from Skyline in Cincinnati.  Have I ever mentioned how this kid loves T-Shirts?  That’s a blog in and of itself for another time.

Birthday boy asked for Ray-Ban sunglasses on his birthday list.  DIY Guy was happy to pass along his old retro Ray-Ban’s from back in the day.  Birthday boy was pretty excited to be the new owner.

Baby Girl gave her big brudder a card with this note…

which told him he would have to find his gift from her through a game of “Hot and Cold”.
It’s an old family favorite.

So he picked his 23 year old bunners off the couch and started walking toward “warm”

when he got to the closet he was very warm

and when he opened the door he was darn near burnin’ up

and there his gift stood in all it’s glory

a beautifully handcrafted Bags Game
(or Corn Hole — depending on which side of the tracks yur from)

DIY Guy helped Baby Girl build the set — which included using power tools, sanding, painting, designing the Twins logo and painting it on.
I made the bags.  Thank you very much.

So then the games began.
The boards worked great.
Birthday Boy was a happy camper.

 A walk around the big lake in Winona was a perfect end to the evening.

“Stand there so I can take a picture. . .”

Take Two 

Will I EVER get used to saying good-bye to my kids and driving away?
I’m going with “no”.  I believe it will always be a challenge.  
Whether they live an hour away, or 12 hours away.  It’s like a little piece of me is left behind each time.
I may never get used to it — and I may  not like it — but I’m still proud of ’em, and I know they are just where they should be.