Weekend Progress


DIY Guy and I are making some good progress on our list of things to get done this month and THAT’S a GOOD THING.  Because…next weekend we are having a party here for the Arts Team (at church).  The artists.  The drama queens and kings, musicians, vocalists, tech team, planners, directors…etc.  Basically, all the creative side of our weekly church service.

It was just the two of us working most of the day — and into the evening.

However, Friday afternoon I had an amazing gift given to me.  Jo Lynn came over and painted some outdoor furniture with me!  

Between the two of us we transformed this old workbench salvaged from our garage . . .

into this . . .

Jo Lynn painted the old workbench a creamy white

I added curtains I had made the day before — using PVC pipe for a curtain rod and large cup hooks to old the pvc pipe.

DIY Guy assisted with the project by cutting the pvc and attaching an “elbow” to turn the corner with the curtain.  He also installed all the cup hooks and shopped for the cup hooks and pipe with me.  It’s so romantic working on a project together — and going to Home Depot together on a Friday evening!

The curtains hide outside candles, plastic glasses, trays, etc.  Things I use for serving snacks and meals for parties.  A rubbermaid container keeps them a tad bit cleaner.

                                  BEFORE                                    AFTER

DIY GUY and I picked up this bright umbrella for our pool side picnic table — which — you guessed it — I stained in white!  It looks so much better white than it did stained brown.

No parties with burgers and chips, or fireworks for us this 4th.  We worked til 8 pm, then had dinner on the patio (carry-out) — then did this….

....and watched some Season 4 Gray’s Anatomy before drifting off into a tired, and blissful sleep.

How did you celebrate the 4th of July?  I know you had bigger plans than us!