Weekend project


Thursday afternoon it was decided.  I would paint the upstairs hall and stairwell. The dark tan and brown walls were ….too dark.  Too gloomy.  There were also nicks and marks on the wall from furniture moving… and a dry wall crack that needed attention.

A soft, buttery, cottage-y yellow was my goal.  Paint cards were gathered and taped to the walls … at different heights and in different spots  (oops….no pictures).  

With the chips on the walls, I observed the colors in the evening light and late morning light.  By Saturday noon, my decision was made.
I used Home Depot Behr Premium paint with primer  — in a satin finish — and had them match my Sherwin-Williams color chip:  #7686 Hinoki.
I went with the Behr paint because Consumer Reports gives this paint high ratings and I really like how it goes on the walls and covers even dark colors.  It’s also less spendy than the SW paints.

Colors are difficult to show with a camera … and an amateur behind the lens.  The wall at the end of the hall was a dark brown, the walls on either side of the stairs are a darker tan.  (That’s the master bedroom and Mr. D’s dresser you see through the door).  The upstairs bathroom is the doorway on the right.

Saturday, 1:00 PM:  The project was underway!  Mr. D removed the smoke alarm and door bell.  He also patched a large crack in the wall that required drywall tape and some heavy duty patching.  I patched the nail holes and dings in the wall and removed the outlet and switch covers.

Painting the wall above the stairs is a challenge for me
but not for the man of the house …
so he does what I don’t like to do…

and what he is afraid to see me do!

Nope…. I don’t tape.
(Mr. D doesn’t complain about that like he used to)
Check out the new color below compared to the former color.
It feels so much brighter and lighter now.

As of tonight, the project is 95% complete.  Unfortunately, the paint ran out with only a second coat of paint needed … on the small wall above the stairs.  Ugggh.  Soooo, tomorrow I visit Home Depot again for another gallon of paint…and some new light switch covers.

Do you paint?  Or does your man?  Or do you hire someone?
If you paint … do you tape?