This is our Baby Girl.
She’s a student teacher in a 5th Grade classroom.
She has been working VERY hard
and getting VERY LITTLE sleep.
A typical day starts at …..oh, maybe 6:30 am.
She gets home from teaching around 7:00 pm.
She allows herself time to eat, and about an hour of “down time”.
Then she is back to work writing lesson plans, grading papers,
recording scores and reviewing the next day’s lessons.
Some nights she only gets 3 to 4 hours of sleep.
We’ve felt so helpless watching her work away each night.
Last night there were things we could help with.
I helped grade math papers
(a scary thought! — glad there was a “key”)
and her big brother helped her put together
a social studies assessment on trading exploration
…. in game form.
He was his baby sister’s hero.
He easily put together a Jeopardy game relating to the material.
He stepped up to the plate.
He was a team player.
Without his help,
his little sis might not have slept at all last night.
When they were little, I used to tell the kids,
“we’re a team – we stick together”
they weren’t so good at team plays when they were little,
but they excel at it now!
Proud of you for not giving up and giving your best Baby Girl!
Proud of you Nate for helping your sister out, more than once
over the past couple months.