What I did on my blog vacation


Sometimes blog vacations are a good thing and a much needed break.  Mr. D and I have not only been up to our ears with the cottage remodel (still going on), but we’ve also had plenty of other activities keeping us busy, busy, busy.  Choosing not to blog for these couple weeks was good.  Helped me to focus on the “now” and not the next post.  We’ve had amazing times with family and friends over the past few weeks and now I’m ready to start sharing the highlights.

  • Within days of returning from Colorado, we were hit with the monster snow storm which surprisingly caught us MinneSNOWtans a tad bit off guard.
  • Cleaning up downed limbs from snowstorm.
  • Cinco de Mayo.
  • Cincinnati Girl home for long weekend.
  • Breakfast & lunch for wedding party on wedding day.
  • Decorate for ceremony and reception.Kate & Jon’s wedding.
  • Breakfast for out-of-town guests for wedding.
  • Weekend in Chi town.
  • Day in Indiana.
  • My great aunties birthday party.
  • Katie & Sam’s wedding.
  • Time with friends.
  • Getting 4 new chickens (chicks)
  • Getting the coop/pen ready for above.
  • Getting the garden in, finally.
  • Opening the pool, finally.
  • Meeting new neighbors.
  • More kitchen demo.
  • Choosing countertops.
  • Scheduling installations.
  • Buying flowers.

Spring is a crazy time isn’t it?  Weddings, graduations, gardening, and mowing, but it is SO wonderful to have longer and warmer days!

I’ll be covering some of the listed events with more detail in the coming week.

For now, just wanted to let you know I’m back from vacation!