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How to force branches to bloom inside

Simple how to instructions


  • sharp pair of pruning shears
  • bucket
  • Optional flower preservative (or make your own by combining 1 teaspoon sugar | 1 teaspoon household bleach | 2 teaspoons lemon or lime juice | 1 quart lukewarm water).


  • Pick a day that is above freezing and cut the forsythia stems in lengths that will fit in your vase (or about 2 feet or less)
  • Put the stems in a bucket of warm water. Allow the stems to soak up the warm water for several hours. Change the water in the bucket and mix in some floral preservative.
  • Place the branches in your container and place in a sunlight spot.
  • Mist the branches occasionally and if the water turns cloudy change it with fresh water.
  • Continue with the misting and changing water until the buds begin to bloom. It will take about two -three weeks.


The best time for force branches in colder climates is mid to late February.  If March continues to be cold -- you can force later into the month.