Another year around the sun complete, and another year begun.
Celebrating began on Thursday morning. Kicking off the day with fresh-out-of-the-oven-homemade muffins made by a co-worker to enjoy during our weekly staff meeting at work, made the day just that much sweeter.
Friday morning (the actual day) I woke to 6.5 inches of snow and was very thankful that I had the day off!
A day of doing-what-I-want followed (cleaning, laundry, working out, a little crafting, skyping with a friend).
Dinner on Friday was fabulous! We hit up Chester’s my favorite restaurant in town with BFFs Dave & JoLynn.
Dinner was followed with dessert at Dave & Jo Lynn’s home (raspberry pie with Culver’s ice cream, or hot fudge sundae or both). Music, candles, a cozy room, good conversation. Perfect.