A weekend’s worth of celebrating


Another year around the sun complete, and another year begun.
Celebrating began on  Thursday morning.  Kicking off the day with fresh-out-of-the-oven-homemade muffins made by a co-worker to enjoy during our weekly staff meeting at work, made the day just that much sweeter.

Friday morning (the actual day) I woke to 6.5 inches of snow and was very thankful that I had the day off!
A day of doing-what-I-want followed (cleaning, laundry, working out, a little crafting, skyping with a friend).

Dinner on Friday was fabulous!  We hit up Chester’s  my favorite restaurant in town with BFFs Dave & JoLynn.

Dinner was followed with dessert at Dave & Jo Lynn’s home (raspberry pie with Culver’s ice cream, or hot fudge sundae or both).  Music, candles, a cozy room, good conversation.  Perfect.

While we were out, number one (and only) son stopped by.
He left me a note….

Saturday = more celebrating!
Mr. D and I plugged away on some of the house projects til 4pm.
Church at 5:30 (the kids and us) … Mr. D playing drums this weekend.
Dinner at Mr. Pizza
Home for
 birthday pie (click to see post)
 and games.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes
the hugs, the time, the gifts,
Your friendship
Your love.
Being in one’s fifties takes stamina and endurance that even youth doesn’t offer!”