We learned last week that our kindergarten granddaughter, Sydney was chosen to have her artwork in the school district art show in Cincinnati.

next-generation creative

Sydney is our next-generation creative. My grandfather painted a little and was an accomplished carpenter. Our son, Nate is a creative and my niece, Mackenzie is too. I’m learning to refer to myself as a creative. Sydney, though … she is an artist – and I’m making sure she calls herself an artist.

She has loved markers, paint, watercolor, chalk, crayons, and color pencils since she could put them on paper. Drawing and writing are a constant in her life.

When we are going to be together, Sydney knows I will have my watercolors. We talk about mixing colors, how to use a paintbrush, how to make flowers. Mostly we enjoy our time together learning and creating.

Pablo Picasso is credited with the quote: “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

The innocence of children creating is that they aren’t so caught up in the result, and how perfect it is (or isn’t). They don’t compare their art they simply enjoy the process of creating.

My plan is to continue encouraging the little artists to persevere in creating, to pursue their art, to make creating a part of their daily lives, to create without critiquing and doubt, and to refer to their little selves as artists.

Sharing creativity is so important. When an artist shares their creativity with others – they are sharing a piece of themselves. It connects them with others and inspires others to be creative.

It would have been so fun to attend this art show – to see the works of young artists from kindergarten through high school seniors and to support Sydney.

The creativity and talent on display were quite impressive according to my daughter. For Sydney to see her work among all the other student artists gave her permission and encouraged her to keep creating.

One of my favorite moments in all the photos sent and shared from our daughter was this one …

Sydney taking the time to write to the creator of this dress telling her how much she liked it makes this grandmother’s heart soar.

Note: We will be together next weekend (a surprise to Sydney). We’ll be spending some time at the beach, creating and going to an art museum!